I spend so much time here on Echo Beach in Canggu, Bali. This is where I relax, play, and connect with others. I left the corporate world and pursued a life of freedom so that I could enjoy the world.

…but here’s the thing- I’m sooooo sick and tired of hearing ME complain to myself. Here’s what I’ve been saying: 

  • Why doesn’t the local resorts pick up the garbage?
  • Why doesn’t the Balinese or Indonesian government step in and do something about the garbage problem?
  • Why doesn’t A non-profit organization do something about the trash?
  • Why don’t the local warungs (bar/restaurant) owners do something about the trash? 
  • Why do people just throw garbage on the ground?
  • Why do people burn their trash?
  • Why do people throw their trash in the rivers that washes out into the Surf after each rain?
  • Why, why, why and who’s going to do it…and when???

…are the questions I Kept asking myself.

Who Will Take Action?

The answer always comes back the same. It’s the person I’m looking at in the Mirror each day is the One who will take action.

Today I will complain no more. If I want something done, I will do it myself first. If my actions are of a worthy cause, others will join in and help.

I’m drawing a line in the sand today…period! 1 Whiskas bag, 1 human and 1 hour later…. the entire Echo Beach is clean for today.

This is just the start; garbage cans and recycling bins are coming up next. I’m looking forward to creating this with Made Sukarta from O’Three Beach Bar & DJ, Teejay Man. 

Make a difference today.

Live Unstoppable!

-Brian Swan

We just celebrated Hanalei’s 10th birthday. It is so amazing that we have the ability to raise her and watch her become her own person.

Every year, I write her a letter and read it to her on her birthday.

How We Celebrated Her Birthday in Bali

One of the best things about traveling is all of the incredible people we get to meet. Hanalei invited a whole group of her friends over for a sleepover to celebrate her birthday. She has such the ability to have a diverse group of friends.

Before the sleepover part of the night, we took them to an indoor trampoline park, bowling, and filled their stomachs with pizza, soda, and the best ice cream around.

All of her friends were so full of energy and life. It reminded me why we continue to make the decisions we do to be Freedom-preneurs.

Reflections on Living Your Purpose

After Long talks with Hanalei over the weekend, about growing up, creating the unknown and living our purpose everyday it got me thinking….

I know it can be easier to feel inadequate or stuck and…

… if you’re struggling with caring too much about what other people are thinking about you, OVERanalyzing the shit out of situations and if you’re finding yourself scrolling through Facebook or Instagram — thinking everyone’s got their shit together except for you…

Then I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say “You got this, you are Unstoppable and I love you”.

I know the feeling of being so excited with a process and your plans for creating the best life, business, product or program….

The night before you launch, film or host your first webinar; you’re laying in bed, thinking of all the amazing ideas you have- ideas are flowing through your mind, you can SEE the end result…

Only To wake up with anxiety, fear and thoughts of not being good enough and inadequacy, in this moment…

You have a CHOICE.

You can either believe the thoughts in your head about not being good enough…

Or you can Feel It, Say “F*CK IT”, I got this and keep on going!

If you’ve ever let the thought of “what will they think” stop you…then this is your day to push through-

This my friends is the power of mindset…

Deep inside knowing what you’re GREAT at, and doing it DESPITE how you feel at the moment-

..then following your inner compass and going after it.

My friends,you got this- follow the steps that have been laid before you, look in the mirror again and say “I got this” then get going!

This is your year.


Live unstoppable!


If you are ready to get started on your own Freedom-preneur journey, then download your free copy of Thriving in The Digital Economy.

We’ve been living in Bali for almost two years and it has been incredible. Our family loves the surf, the friends, and the culture. One of the perks of living here is that we have to leave the country every two months for a Visa run. Now, I know some people would say that is an inconvenience, but I see it as motivation to never get comfortable where we are. It keeps us always exploring, growing, and changing.

What a Typical Visa Run Looks Like

Since we do so many events all over the world, often times, our Visa runs are taken care of. However, when we don’t have events outside of Bali, we like to explore other places.

We have been to Singapore several times for our Visa runs. I really like being able to go to there and enjoy 1st world amenities. Don’t get me wrong, Bali is amazing, but I love being in sexy cities sometimes, also.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel

The last time we were there, we went to the Marina Bay Hotel. It has a beautiful overlook of the city. I tell you, it is every bit of amazing standing on the rooftop there as it was when I was in New York City.

Here’s a little video I shot of us getting a table on top of the hotel. We had a little shoe adventure where we had to do some swapping around.

What to Do At The Hotel

This is one of the most epic pools I’ve ever seen. 256 meters in the sky, overlooking the city in Singapore. If only the rest of the world knew the magic that travel can bring.

This hotel is simply amazing. It is so large and has many things to do at the hotel itself. You can enjoy things like:

  • Infinity pool
  • Observation deck
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Fitness club
  • Spa

Staying at the hotel there is super luxurious. Not only that, there are many things to do out on the town. You can see shows, shop, visit museums and so much more.

Traveling is Freedom

Before we started the Freedom-preneur life, we were stuck in our offices doing the same thing day in and day out. Ever since we left that life and pursued working online, we have been so full of life. Not only that, we are raising Hanalei in a way that will have lasting impact on her.

Are you ready to start experiencing the Freedom-preneur life? If so, I encourage you to download our book, Thriving in the Digital Economy.

This past week, we hosted our Unstoppable Mastermind in Bali. I had a huge proud momma moment as I watched our daughter, Hanalei, talk to the room about her passions. She was hugely encouraging and inspirational to us all.

Here’s what Hanalei had to say-

Wasn’t that awesome! What if we all had BIG dreams like kids? Don’t you remember when you were a child and felt like anything was possible? That child like faith doesn’t have to die. We don’t have to become cynical and disbelieving as we grow older.

I love the message that Hanalei shared with our tribe. We should all take a few lessons from her.

Inspire Others With Your Brand

No matter what industry you are in, you can inspire others with your brand. Hanalei wants young girls and women to feel confident and strong in her clothing. As a fashion designer, she has such an amazing grasp on how she can impact others.

Whatever your brand, you have the ability to inspire others. Brian and I are firm believers in building brands that leave a lasting legacy. In order to do that, you must build a brand that is aimed to inspire others.

Know Your Audience

Hanalei has a great vision! She knows that the way you feel about yourself has everything to do with how successful you feel. It is her passion to help others feel great about themselves in her clothing line. With the right mindset, you can be unstoppable!

It is so important that we understand who our products and services will benefit the most. This will help us to stay focused on what we create and the message we send to our followers.

You Don’t Have to Wait

Take action now! Don’t let your ideas stay there. Start taking the necessary steps to reach your goals and have the life you want. Hanalei is already working on her clothing designs and taking charge of her future.

Parents- I want to remind you of something- you are a role model for your kids. They will m

imic what they see you doing. When you take action and show them that their dreams can be a reality, they will believe they can achieve anything.

Want to get started on pursuing your own dreams? Check out our latest book, Thriving in the Digital Economy.

Dad’s rule! Wouldn’t you say? You’ve probably heard that having a strong male influence is important in a young boy’s life, but it’s equally important for daughters to have one as well.

A positive father-daughter relationship can have a huge impact on a young girl’s life and even determine whether or not she develops into a strong, confident woman and trusts the men in her life to come.

Dads Have Incredible Influence On Their Daughters

A Dad’s influence in his daughter’s life shapes her self-esteem, self-image, confidence and opinions of men. How a Dad approaches life will serve as an example for his daughter to build off of in her own life, even if she chooses a different view of the world.

Brian Swan is one of the best examples of the daughter-daddy relationship. He is kind, gentle and loving to not only me, but gives Hanalei Swan the space to grow and express her opinions on a different level than she can with me.

Being a Freedom-Preneur Let’s Brian Invest in Our Daughter

This is the beauty of our Freedom-preneur life. It allows Brian to be more involved in Hanalei’s life. I can’t imagine how little time we would have to spend with her if we had both kept our corporate jobs. We were working like crazy and felt completely drained at the end of the day.

For us, freedom means pursuing our passions and giving our daughter the space to pursue her own. With our traveling lifestyle, we have been able to invest in her tremendously. She has had so many amazing experiences. Know what’s best of all? We all get to do it as a family.

I’m so thankful for a man that has embraced living out his perfect day everyday. He’s been able to teach Hanalei in ways I never could.

Recognize The Man in Your life

If you have an amazing Husband, Father, Dad in your child’s life…share it below. Dad’s matter just as much as Momma’s. I’d love for you to give a shout out in the comments section to a man that has meant a lot to you.

Want to get started on your own Freedom-preneur journey? If so, check out our latest book, Thriving in The Digital Economy.

Magic is happening with our family and another amazing traveling family The Sundance FamilyBoth our families have been traveling the world for over 8 years with our kids and working online.

The Sundance family have 6 children, (us 1), we have the same love of freedom and have turned our passions into profits by leveraging g the digital economy.

We Are Teaming Up With the Sundance Family

We have decided to team up and provide our communities [and the world] a step by step blueprint of how to start living your passions and turn them into a profit making machines just like we have.

This was a behind the scene of what is yet to come.

I’m so blown away at how the Sundance Family has leveraged internet marketing to pursue their dreams. There are so many differences between our two families, but we have marketing in common. That is why we have decided to collaborate with them. They are great at what they do and we are good at what we do and we want to teach other families how to do the same thing.

A Day in The Life of a Freedom-preneur

If you noticed in the behind the scenes video, we were shooting B-roll for our upcoming reality show that will release this summer. I’m so excited about the upcoming show, because we are going to show what it is like to live like a Freedom-preneur.

What I love about creative people, is that we have the ability to work together even if we aren’t in the same area. We had the great opportunity of meeting up with them in Bali long enough to get the photo shoots and the behind the scenes film for our upcoming collaboration. However, we will be working together on the rest of the project where it works best for our families. How great is that?!?!

See, this is the life of being a Freedom-preneur. Neither one of us are bound by our location to do something great. We can work together and learn from each other without even being in the same room together. We’ve known the Sundance family for the past 8 years and we’ve learned a lot from one another.

I’m excited to share with your family the information you need to make traveling the world a reality. Both of our families are proof that it doesn’t matter who you are, your family size, or your background, you can make working online a reality.

Want to know more about how you can leverage the internet? Sign up for our book, Thriving in the Digital Economy.

I had the great honor of being featured in Entrepreneur Magazine alongside some other amazing men like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and Com Mirza to name a few. All of these guys are at the top of their game. I want to introduce you to them.

 Grant Cardone


Grant works with Fortune 500 Companies to help them reach their fullest potential. He is also a New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, and the best in his field of sales training and social media. He creates customized sales training programs as well as offers practical insights into marketing, branding, and many other aspects of the industry.

Tai Lopez


Tai plays the role of partner, investor, or advisor to more than 20 multi-million dollar businesses. He is passionate about sharing with others real strategies to have greater wealth, love, health, and happiness. Also, he is the creator of an alternative to traditional business school. He established the Business Mentorship program.

Com Mirza


Com has launched over 3 dozen companies and made 100 investments. He is also a mentor and coach to thousands of entrepreneurs. He has a passion to help brand new entrepreneurs as well as investing in philanthropic projects. This incredible man has disciplined himself to invest 90% of what he earns and live off of the remaining 10%, which allows him to be a very down to earth man.

Brian Swan

I, Brian, am the Unstoppable Surfer. I have been traveling with my family for the past 8 years as we aim to create our perfect day every day. My passion is to help others do the very same thing. As a freedom-preneur, I make it my mission to be a mentor to others that don’t know how to get the life they want.

Mark Sisson


Mark gives people the strategies they need to feel empowered to take their own health and wellness into their hands. He is the creator of Mark’s Daily Apple, which is a place where people can learn hot to lead a healthy Primal Life. He is also the author of “Primal Blueprint”.

James Swanwick


James is a motivational coach and speaker that used to work as an ESPN anchor on the SportsCenter. He is the founder of the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge. This helps people stop drinking alcohol and be at their top performance.

Josh Black


Josh has worked with elite athletes for over 20 years. Over his time of working with these top performers, he has identified 10 championship virtues that these men and women posses. He writes about those traits in his book, “Personal Best- Transform Your Life By Thinking Like an Athlete”.

Dr. Nick Zyrowski

It is Dr. Nick’s passion to teach others about cellular healing. He is committed to helping others to eliminate their diseases and function without having to take medicines. With his step by step programs, his clients have been known to have increased energy, weight loss, and much more.

Ian Clark


Ian has been in the marketing industry for decades. He started out by running a small business that handles health products, technologies, devices and more. He is now the Co-founder of Activation Products (CAN) Inc. & Founder of Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton.

Jay Georgi

Jay is the founder of Nadvia which is a business coaching company. He is passionate about helping other entrepreneurs reach their potential and achieve high levels of growth. WIth his help, his clients are able to be successful.

I was so thankful to be featured in Entrepreneur Magazine with these great men. I’m happy to be named with others that are like minded.


-Brian Swan


A few weeks ago, Hanalei and I were shopping for a new rug here in Bali. We went down to the market area and found a great place to look around. Shopping in the streets of bali is always an adventure. Most importantly meeting beautiful souls of different backgrounds and beliefs connects us as humans.

We had the best time picking out rugs with a beautiful Muslim woman. This woman couldn’t speak a bit of English, but she just loved Hanalei’s smile and blonde hair. She was touching her hair and marveling at the way she looked.

This encounter got us both thinking about what is happening in America. Our current president is putting into some practices that we think is adding to the stereotypes. Personally, we can’t understand this type of profiling, because we have experienced so much of the world.

There was simply no thought in our mind that the lady we met the other day would hurt us. She doesn’t fit into the stereotypes that many have entertained about the Muslim culture.

The Way The Unstoppable Family Sees The World

Unstoppable Family beliefs on seeing people as one rather than a religion or ethnicity. Travel opens your mind to seeing people for who they are over what they believe.

When we started traveling almost since the time Hanalei was born. She has lived in many many countries. In fact, she has spent much of her life around so many different nationalities.

What I have loved about traveling is that it has allowed us to experience so many different people and their culture. We don’t judge others based off of their religious beliefs- or their lack of religious beliefs. Rather than shutting people down on account of what they believe, we give people a chance to show us the type of people they are.

Teach Your Children To Be Accepting

I encourage you, no matter where you are, or where you live, that you teach your children to be less judgmental. Whether you are a world traveler or someone that stay close to home, find it in your heart to love others and treat everyone the same. Give people the opportunity to prove themselves to you.

Here at the Unstoppable Family, we will always look at others as people that should be respected and given a chance. Rather than stereotyping people, we will allow them to show us who they are! I’m so grateful for our lives and how we have had a chance to teach Hanalei these important lessons. Won’t you band together with us and teach your children to be accepting of others?


Rhonda and I had the amazing opportunity to go to the Speak in Dubai event. While I was there, I had the chance to put together this talk.

What if you knew you had an expiration date on your life? What if you had 3 months, 6 months, 1 year before you knew you were going to die?

My Dad New His Expiration Date

He died from a terrible disease and he knew ahead of time how long he had left to live. Actually, he made it 5 years longer than what the doctors said. 

If you had that same knowledge, what would you do?

  • Would you still be working the same job?
  • Would you hang out with the same people?
  • Would you make the same life decisions?

Let’s be real here, we all have an expiration date. This isn’t a hypothetical question. One day, you will pass away. Are you making your choices for life with that in mind?

I had the opportunity to see life between different than many people. Between the ages of 11-16, I saw my dad create his perfect day. That impacted me in a profound way. I want to share with others is how they can create their perfect day.


It only takes 3 simple steps to create your perfect day.

1. Write Out Your Goals

You are more than likely to accomplish your goals if you write them out. That is what I chose to do. These were my basic goals:

  • Move to Hawaii
  • Surf the biggest waves
  • Have kids
  • Work a few hours a day

Honestly, we were making more money than we ever had in our lives. I thought it would only be a matter of a year before I could completely retire.

2. Make a Decision to Stick With Your Perfect Day


Back in 2006- the most financially devastating thing happened to us. We invested all of our money in real estate- right before the housing market caved.

Unfortunately, this all happened right after Hanalei was born. Rhonda vowed that she would never put her into childcare. We had a really tough decision ahead of us. We could either choose to go back to our corporate jobs, or figure out how to live our perfect day.

We did what no one would have expected, and that was take up a life of traveling. Times will get tough and you have to decide if you are going to stick with your perfect day.

3. Take Action on Your Goals

In order for us to live the Unstoppable life, we have specific actions we take every day to make it happen. It takes commitment and planning to reach your goals. Having an intentional process can help you do what you have set out to do.

Want to learn more about creating your perfect day? Click the link below.

The Freedom-Preneur Movement 



One of the best things about being a Freedom-preneur is getting to know others that are pursuing their own businesses. There is literally nothing that will replace the real life connections that you can make.

You are just one connection away from a breakthrough at all times. Getting out from behind your computer screen is so important.

No matter how automated we get in the digital world, nothing will ever replace the connection we make with people. Wherever we are currently living, we want to bring people together, which is why we developed Freedom-preneur Fridays.

What is Freedom-preneur Friday

Everywhere we’ve been since we started on our traveling journey, we have had a chance to meet some incredible people. The thing we haven’t done, is bring these people together so that they can meet one another. That is the heartbeat behind Freedom-preneur Fridays.

Business Collaboration and Pairing People

Everyone has their own unique skills to bring to the table. When we bring Freedom-preneurs together, they have a chance to share their talents with others. By working together instead of in competition against one another, we can accomplish so much more.

Community Service

We added a great element to our last get together- community service. Our group had the opportunity to do a little bit of beach cleanup in preparation for a concert that was taking place outside of Finn’s Beach Club.

Working together on a project like that is really bonding. Not only that, it is a great way to give back to the world around us.

Having Fun Together


Another thing we love doing when we are with other like minded people, is to just have fun. That’s why we left our corporate jobs, so that we could spend our time doing things that matter. Having fun with other people is certainly worth being a part of.

After we cleaned up the beach last week, we had our hang out time and ended the night with a concert by the Beautiful Girls. You’ll never believe it, but Hanalei actually had a chance to open for them. Check this girl out!

We Want to Meet You!

Keep an eye on where we are in the world so you can meet up with us. Currently, we are meeting at Finn’s Beach Club in Bali, on Fridays at 4pm. Once we move to Canada in a few months, we’ll let you know where our new meeting place is.

If you want to meet up with us, be sure to send us a message through our Facebook page. We would love to connect with you.