What if We All Dreamed BIG Like Kids?

 In Leadership, unstoppable kids

This past week, we hosted our Unstoppable Mastermind in Bali. I had a huge proud momma moment as I watched our daughter, Hanalei, talk to the room about her passions. She was hugely encouraging and inspirational to us all.

Here’s what Hanalei had to say-

Wasn’t that awesome! What if we all had BIG dreams like kids? Don’t you remember when you were a child and felt like anything was possible? That child like faith doesn’t have to die. We don’t have to become cynical and disbelieving as we grow older.

I love the message that Hanalei shared with our tribe. We should all take a few lessons from her.

Inspire Others With Your Brand

No matter what industry you are in, you can inspire others with your brand. Hanalei wants young girls and women to feel confident and strong in her clothing. As a fashion designer, she has such an amazing grasp on how she can impact others.

Whatever your brand, you have the ability to inspire others. Brian and I are firm believers in building brands that leave a lasting legacy. In order to do that, you must build a brand that is aimed to inspire others.

Know Your Audience

Hanalei has a great vision! She knows that the way you feel about yourself has everything to do with how successful you feel. It is her passion to help others feel great about themselves in her clothing line. With the right mindset, you can be unstoppable!

It is so important that we understand who our products and services will benefit the most. This will help us to stay focused on what we create and the message we send to our followers.

You Don’t Have to Wait

Take action now! Don’t let your ideas stay there. Start taking the necessary steps to reach your goals and have the life you want. Hanalei is already working on her clothing designs and taking charge of her future.

Parents- I want to remind you of something- you are a role model for your kids. They will m

imic what they see you doing. When you take action and show them that their dreams can be a reality, they will believe they can achieve anything.

Want to get started on pursuing your own dreams? Check out our latest book, Thriving in the Digital Economy.

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