Developing A Personal Brand That People Crave

As you know, the Unstoppable Family has branded themselves remarkably well over the last 4 years on our journey around the world. We have learned quite a few things about the world and navigating it. In learning what we have, we wanted to free people from the rat race and show them that they could […]

Unstoppable Philosophy of Living & Giving

Sunday Is a Day Of Living & Giving I would like to share a story with you. It’s about LIVING & GIVING and the Fijian Rugby Team we sponsored 3.5 years ago and how it felt to our family and to theirs. We had been living on the on the south coral coast for a […]

How To Celebrate Halloween In Spain?

Since we have been traveling for the last seven Halloween of Hanalei’s life we have found a new way of celebrating the holiday. Unlike the United States Halloween has a different meaning in Central, South America and in some countries of Europe.   Halloween was first celebrated by the ancient Celts, who were around as […]

Become Magnetically Attractive by Defining Your Core Message And Personal Brand

There are a million marketers online…all saying the same thing. How do you stand out in the crowd and get noticed over everyone else? Defining your Core Message and Personal Brand Identity will not only show Your Uniqueness but also create customers for life that are craving what you have. This training I go deep […]

How To Deal With Life When It Gets Stressful

This has been the most stressful last 3 weeks that the Unstoppable Family has experienced while traveling the world for the last 9 years! Sounds crazy doesn’t it…but its true. Let me break it down for you, then share a little wisdom on “How To Deal With Life When It Gets Stressful”. August we arrived […]

Creating A New Economy & Loving Monday’s

I LOVE MONDAY’s I used to hate them, not anymore. It’s morning here Tenerife, Spain, Brian Swan and I are sitting on the terrace, Brian is facing the mountains, sitting in his board shorts and his sunnies. I am facing the sea, shorts and a tank with my flip flops on both with computers open […]

Thought Provoking Thursday..Your Perception Creates Your Reality

Good Morning and Happy Happy “Thought Provoking Thursday” When the world throws you garbage…do you send musice? I have a thought…then a question for you today. Have you ever been in a place in your life where you were wondering “What the hell do i do now, Why am I where I am right now”? or […]

The Blog Beast Is Coming

What is the Blog Beast? (this article from PRnewswire explains it well) Blog Beast, in which Empower Network invested $3 million and one year to develop, offers a multitude of features not yet seen among the current generation of blog software. Empower Network’s new system allows users to maintain multiple blogs among multiple domains from one […]

San Sebastian Spain Destroys Umbrellas… Why We Came To The Canary Islands

 Have you ever had your umbrella “FLIPPED” backwards from the wind? Well, yesterday was the test of the the umbrella…and guess who lost?  Yes, the pink umbrella. But it all happens for a reason… We arrived in San Sebastian, Spain last week and were ready to start our normal process of “settling in”. Talking to […]