I used to hate them, not anymore.

It’s morning here Tenerife, Spain, Brian Swan and I are sitting on the terrace, Brian is facing the mountains, sitting in his board shorts and his sunnies. I am facing the sea, shorts and a tank with my flip flops on both with computers open as we start our work day.

Amazing to think that just 9 years ago this January 8th I would be hustling to get up in the morning, get dressed and ready to hit the San Diego traffic for about an hour before I made it to my Monday morning business meeting at 7:30am.



I used to hate Monday’s.

Sunday nights at around 5pm the anxiety used to set in so I would head to my office to prepare for my long exhausting week of selling my soul and my life to the Big Pharma industry.

It’s embarrassing to admit I used to represent the pharmaceutical industry and sell anti-depressants to our world… that was probably part of my anxiety happening sub consciously.

During my 1 hour drive in traffic, I witnessed people in road rage, Mom’s fixing their makeup in the car because they had to rush off, take their kids to day care, and put others in harm so they wouldn’t be late for the Monday morning meeting.

Once I arrived to my meeting, it was the normal fear base tactics that most corporations dangle over us. “Your monthly numbers are down, and you may miss that $1k bonus for the month if you don’t get focused and get your top Dr’s to write more prescriptions of “Paxil” they would say.

I shutter when I think about it….

I worked for that company for nearly 7 years and when I made the decision to take my life into my own hands my boss laughed and said…

“When you fail, you can come back to your JOB”

When I FAIL?

These 3 words have been my motivation for the last 9 years to continue on my crusade of FREEDOM. We no longer rely on the government or the US economy to dictate how we live our life.

We create our own economy, and take our lives into our own hands. The fear base tactics the government and corporations put on us each and everyday have no meaning when you are the one in control.

This is why I LOVE MONDAY’s

I guess that silly online business I started 9 years ago wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Here’s to FREEDOM!

I hope this post inspired you and gave hope to this world of constant chaos.

Feel Free to leave a comment on your thoughts that come from this post.