Digit Gives You an Automatic Way of Saving Every Month

 In Home Business Tips, Lifestyle Tips

Digit Gives You an Automatic Way of Saving Every Month

As a Freedom-preneur, you know how important it is to use your money wisely. Misusing your funds can really cost you.

A lot of us put our focus on not spending too much for services and necessities. What about savings, though?

It’s the New Year and I know a lot of you out there have probably put together some financial goals for this coming year. That is why I want to introduce you to Digit. This is a revolutionary app that is going to make it easy for you to put money into savings.

Financial Wealth is a Combination of Earning Enough and Spending Well

Earning is a great way to build your wealth, but if you misspend what you have, then you will be no better off than when you weren’t making much.

The great thing about Digit, is that they have created an app that is designed to help you save a little bit of money over time. This isn’t the way to stash wads of cash, but it will help anyone, regardless of their budget, to save a little.

Stress Free Saving


Sure, you know you should be saving more, but it can be very hard to get started on it. If you are looking at your earnings and your expenditures, it can seem like there isn’t enough left over to save at the end of the month.

The savings that you put aside happens automatically so you don’t have to think about it.

How Does Digit Work?

Digit will take your spending habits into account over the course of time. Then, it will determine how much should be transferred based off of your habits. It will transfer money into your Digit account from the bank account you have it tied to.

The amount that it transfers automatically is going to depend on your personal habits. It will transfer what it thinks you can afford to go without every 2 or 3 days.

How Does Digit Know How Much to Take Out of My Account?

The program is designed to track your income and spending habits so that it can identify saving opportunities. It has the ability to see opportunities to save that the user won’t necessarily notice.

It relies on four main signals to determine how much to transfer:

  • Checking balance
  • Upcoming income
  • Upcoming Bills
  • Recent Spending Patterns

The algorithm uses these patterns to know the precise amount that you can afford to live without. One transfer may be as little as a $1, while another transfer may be closer to $20. It will all depend on your personal spending habits.

What If It Causes Me to Overdraft?

Digit is designed to keep you from overdrafting. They will never transfer more money from your account then what you can afford.

If you need the money back that they have transferred, you can go in and just transfer it back. There are no transfer fees to worry about.

How Can Digit Help Me Reach My Financial Goals?

Anytime you get yourself in the habit of saving, it will help your future. Of course, Digit isn’t designed to help you save for large purchases like buying a house, but it will help you save for smaller purchases.

Success in reaching financial goals is made up of many wise decisions, that may seem small at the time. When you decide to put money away in savings, no matter how small the amount, it will add up to big things.

You can use this money to help invest in growing your business, take a trip, or some other smaller purchase. Just seeing how much you can save up over the course of a few months will give you the energy to do make a more concerted effort to save on your own.

Where Do I Sign Up For Digit?

Brian and I think that this program is awesome and we have really liked using it to put away some savings. You can open a free account through our referral link below.

Sign up For a Free Digit Account

We hope that you find as much value in Digit as we have.

Before you go, be sure you get your copy of my free Unstoppable Branding eBook!



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