10 Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Build a Successful Business

Have you been spinning your wheels trying to get your business off the ground, but no matter what you do, you don’t gain traction? I help people every single day to develop the laser focus their brand needs to build a successful business. While I don’t know everything about your business- I know that these 10 […]

Formula For Living The 4 Hour Work Week

How can I spend more time with my family, work smarter, not harder and still live the “4 Hour Work Week“? This is the question that so many people want the answer too, and have traveled the world to get the answer so that we can share it with all of our followers.  Being an […]

Digit Gives You an Automatic Way of Saving Every Month

As a Freedom-preneur, you know how important it is to use your money wisely. Misusing your funds can really cost you. A lot of us put our focus on not spending too much for services and necessities. What about savings, though? It’s the New Year and I know a lot of you out there have […]

Freedom-Preneur…the 8 Phases of Leadership

Freedom-Preneur…the 8 Phases of Leadership If you have been following me on Facebook, then you’ll know Brian, Hanalei were in Nashville, Tennessee for over a week in April for our quarterly masterminds.  We have been having an amazing time there as a family. Not only have we done some cool things with Hanalei for her birthday, […]

Unstoppable Success Tip: How Balanced Is Your 3 Legged Table?

How do you find the balance for your 3 legged table?   The elements in life that require the most balancing can be divided into two categories: internal and external. Oftentimes, people focus on one more than the other. For example, you may find that you focus on external things–like work, relationships, and activities, and […]

Crush Stress & Overwhelm

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.~JOHN DE PAOLA Do you have so much on your plate that you’re left feeling overwhelmed and stressed out? What can you do to get back to a place of controlling ease and relaxation? In an age of fast paced lifestyles and heightened commercialism, everywhere […]

Benefits Of Building a Personal Brand

If you have been a follower of the Unstoppable Family for any length of time, you probably have a good idea of what our personal brand is. We are Freedom-prenuers and are passionate about helping others become Freedom-prenuers also. Don’t misunderstand me here, I do not want you to brand yourself to look just like […]

FreedomPreneur: Living A Life Of Freedom

So, what does living FREE really mean? Does it mean that you can stop earning money and skate by on your good looks for the rest of your life? No, of course not.   What it means to live free is to have the freedom to live the way you always dreamed.  Speak the language I’m […]

How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet

Are you growing a business this year? If so, you’ve probably read a lot of books and articles that will tell you how to reach more people. There are entire companies that say they have the answers of how you can get your business on the map. I want to tell you that there is […]

Top 8 Subject Lines To Increase Email Open Rates

What’s the source? Well, it’s no big mystery. It’s simply that all editors and copywriters are veteran thieves. They all study, admire and copy each other’s work. Maybe that’s why they call it copywriting. #copycat The average Internet user is bombarded with dozens if not hundreds of email subject lines every day. Most of us have […]