Unstoppable Girls USA Tour
I believe we all have so much more power inside of us than we know or want to believe and in order for our kids to do great things, we need to be the example. We all need to wake up to the reality that our kids have a voice and that we need to […]
Funnel Hacker meets the Unstoppable Family
Hello tribe, So here we are. Fresh and back in Bali after a couple of intense weeks in the United States, and decided that would be a good idea to share all the highlights of our trip to mama USA as we have so much to be grateful for. In fact, there was so much […]
3 Words You Should Stop Using With Your Children
Two years before Hanalei was born, Rhonda & I were given a lil’ piece of advice to take the 3 words, “No, NOT and “Don’t” out of our vocabulary when speaking to our future child / children. I’m not quite sure if we were listening to audiobooks from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Michael Losier…or […]
Kelly Slater surfing Bocas del Toro, Panama
Kelly Slater surfing Bocas del Toro, Panama at a surf break called “Silverbacks” You absolutely know the surf is pumping where you live…when Kelly Slater, Sunny Garcia, & Taylor Steele show up to your Island. Welcome to Isla Colon aka Bocas del Toro, Panama….in the Caribbean Sea. Now this wave (know as “Silverbacks“) is actually located on the NW […]
Top 5 Tips To Traveling With Kids and Enjoying it!
In this video I give you my top Tips to Traveling with Kids! My daughter Hanalei was 1.5 years old when we started our Unstoppable journey and let me tell you, kids are ultra adaptable. The picture to the left was us in Nicaragua crossing the border from Costa Rica. We had 8 bags when we […]
Celebrating Religions & Holiday’s Around The World
What Do You Talk About In Your Family During The Holiday? Now that the Christmas holiday is nearing, our family has started our discussion on the meaning of Christmas, Different Cultures, Beliefs and Religions. As our family has travelled the world we have experienced not only our own American holidays, like Thanksgiving but world holidays […]
5 Year Anniversary of The Unstoppable Family
( looks like that internet business wasn’t such a bad idea after all) 5 Years ago today (Nov 25th)…. Rhonda, Hanalei & I did the most unthinkable thing a Family would do with a 1.5 year old child. We sold most everything we owned, put the rest in storage and took off on a “2 […]
Unstoppable Family on Life Choices Create Your Lifestyle
Today I celebrate gratitude for making the choice in 2005 to work for myself. Today my daughter Hanalei is home from school not feeling well, and I am able to stay home with her and take care of her while I work. I shot this video today because I was thinking about ” life choices […]
Heavenly Mountain Restaurant Sold $21,000 of Food in 1 Hour
Who says the economy is down and no-one is spending? Heavenly Mountain proved that last Saturday when we were told by the restaurant manager that they sold over $21,ooo worth of food in 1 hour! What this proves to me is that people may not be spending money on everything, but they are spending money […]
Christmas Has Come Early With The Unstoppable Family’s “8 Days of Christmas”!
We are excited to bring you the Unstoppable Family’s 8 Days of Christmas where we will be giving you 8 Exciting Gifts in Celebration of the Holidays and sharing pictures, videos, and other funny moments from 2012!