We are excited to connect with you and summarize the past year, hopefully surprising you with what we have coming for the year ahead.  Many of you have seen parts of our adventures around the world, and man have they taken us many places near and far.  Some may have seen our journeys and wondered how we did such a thing, others we are sure thought us crazy and many were certainly just excited and happy for us to be happy.  No matter which of those boats you are in or if you are in a position all your own regarding our adventures, we are extremely grateful for you!

Spending the last 7 or so months on  US soil after having spent such a long period of time (the better part of 4 years) overseas, we have begun to see some opportunities for friends of ours and ways to translate what we have been learning to something that relates to what we are familiar with.  Of course as we ventured across land borders and many bodies of water, we saw nature, people and possibilities that would blow the minds of most; but how do you communicate what we saw and make it real for anyone whether they have traveled the world or not?

Merry Christmas from the Unstoppable Family
Merry Christmas from the Unstoppable Family

In this newsletter we look to share with you some of the amazing highlights of this year, like Swano cutting his head open on a big wave or Hanalei learning Spanish and Violin, but we also look to give you a peek into the wild amount of creation we have been up to due to the inspiration of getting back to our American “roots” after having trekked around the planet.  What we have seen in our travels has been a world full of people and places that are equally amazing and actually quite a bit more affordable than anyone might think.  We have met people living their dreams in ways that we had even yet to imagine.  In addition, we learned invaluable lessons and one that has stayed close to our heart, which  is that family, whatever family means to you, is the most important thing in our life.

As humans we can find solutions and we can connect with each other to live in a way that is most enjoyable.  In summary, we have seen so many happy and fulfilled people that we were committed to find a way to communicate our experiences into something tangible as a possible reality for anyone that we know.  Now, we do know that this reality comes in many forms and we completely understand that some have no desire to travel the world.  We tell you this to let you know that not everything we have learned has to do with traveling, some of the lessons are just insights and perspectives that can make the very home life that you are living now, that much more balanced, rewarding and peaceful.  Our experiences have left us so excited for real possibility that we had to find a way to share which also took into account the “world” that most of us are living with today.  That sentence may sound funny at first but the people of this world really do live in different “worlds” or realities as priorities vary from culture to culture and so do many aspects of society; and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

The beginning of this year was spent in the Bocas Del Toro Caribbean Archipelago of Panama and then back to our home turf in San Diego after a fun cruise across the county.  We saw concerts, friends and family galore.  We ran into Chris Guillebeau who wrote a book called  The Art of Non-Conformity, and we were featured in this book.  Sedona is where we had some Big Break-Thru’s and of course, San Diego is where we fell in love and started our Unstoppable Family.  We decided from what we had learned that we had something unique to offer the world that was our own and was useful as well; our experiences.  With everything from Web Applications and a full length book as well as an interactive program and workshops for discovering purpose and finding your market to share it with, we are creating effective ways to give to people.  We are excited and wherever on our journey we met you, you have contributed to our lives and we want to thank you for being a part of it all.

We are excited to bring you the Unstoppable Family’s 8 Days of Christmas where we will be giving you 8 Exciting Gifts in Celebration of the  Holidays and sharing pictures, videos, and other funny moments from 2012!

Swano 3

Have a Merry Christmas and a  Happy NEW YEAR !!!


Best Wishes,

Brian, Rhonda, and Hanalei Swan

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