5 Simples Ways To Keeping New Years Resolutions

Making New Year’s Resolutions has become quite of a bit cliche’, wouldn’t you agree? If making these resolutions only ends in failure and frustrations, then why even bother? I’m here to challenge you today to grab ahold of your dreams and make them a reality.  What better time to get started than today, January 1 […]

Kiva: Unstoppable Living and Giving

Rethinking How We Give With Kiva Loans 6 years ago when our UNSTOPPABLE FAMILY started traveling we MADE A DECISION to put giving as the fore-front of our life and our business and to contribute to the countries and people that have made our life so fulfilled when visiting. We were introduced to Kiva after […]

How do you spend Christmas on Bocas del Toro, Panama….

Post by Unstoppable Family.   How do you spend Christmas on Bocas del Toro, Panama…. Well, there are many different ways, though if you are similar to our Unstoppable Family then….. 1) Get in your Bathing suits and go floating in the Caribbean 🙂 2) Get your Kiwi mate and go surfing for “Dawn Patrol” […]

Gratitude of the Day exercise….

Gratitude of the Day keeps the Doctor away… Gratitude From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions,[1] As I lay here in my hammock at 6:44am watching the sunrise […]

The Best of Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Bocas Del Toro, Panama is a hidden gem tucked away in the Caribbean. Colorful and utterly Caribbean, this town of clapboard houses was built by the United Fruit Company in the early 20th century. Today, Bocas Del Toro is a relaxed community of West Indians, Latinos and resident gringos, with a friendly atmosphere that easily rubs off on visitors. […]

Unstoppable Mastermind Orlando Product Release

For the first time ever “Outsiders” will have the opportunity to join us at our Unstoppable Mastermind that we host every quarter for our Unstoppable Tribe through the recordings of our Orlando Mastermind.    Any person that purchases the “Unstoppable Mastermind, Orlando”  will have an exclusive invitation to be included in the next LIVE Mastermind […]

Top 5 Tips To Traveling With Kids and Enjoying it!

In this video I give you my top Tips to Traveling with Kids! My daughter Hanalei was 1.5 years old when we started our Unstoppable journey and let me tell you, kids are ultra adaptable.  The picture to the left was us in Nicaragua crossing the border from Costa Rica. We had 8 bags when we […]

Sarita Klees first Empower Hour call with Rhonda Swan

What can I say…..it’s fun to make money online. What’s even more fun is when your Team (we call them our Tribe) members are making money. We have a saying in our Tribe…. “if just you are making money online, then you are a good salesman” “If your Tribe members are making money online, then […]