How To Celebrate Halloween In Spain?

Since we have been traveling for the last seven Halloween of Hanalei’s life we have found a new way of celebrating the holiday. Unlike the United States Halloween has a different meaning in Central, South America and in some countries of Europe.   Halloween was first celebrated by the ancient Celts, who were around as […]

San Sebastian Spain Destroys Umbrellas… Why We Came To The Canary Islands

 Have you ever had your umbrella “FLIPPED” backwards from the wind? Well, yesterday was the test of the the umbrella…and guess who lost?  Yes, the pink umbrella. But it all happens for a reason… We arrived in San Sebastian, Spain last week and were ready to start our normal process of “settling in”. Talking to […]

“Eat Pray Love” Meeting the Medicine Man

Have you ever read the book ” Eat, Pray, Love: ” by Elizabeth Gilbert ?….  , well in the book she visits this medicine man on a daily basis while she is in Bali to seek out her life’s purpose and what she can expect for herself. Well, I was totally amused by this guy in […]