What Are The Best Times To Post On Facebook?
If you have been following the Unstoppable Family for anytime at all you will already know that we use Facebook as our primary source for connecting to our audience, sharing our travels and marketing our business. I can’t begin to count the number of studies I’ve read that claim they know the best time to post […]
Why? Start With Why?
The above is a video of a TED talk, given by Simon Sinek. He describes how it is that great leaders inspire action, why some people are able to achieve things, when others are not. He explains the brilliant, biologically based “Golden Circle”, a new way of looking at how people approach what they do. […]
How A Corporate Executive Left Her Job To Live An Eat, Pray Love Life
“What Does It Profit A Man To Gain The World, And Lose His Soul” ?
What do you think? The other day I posted my story of meeting “The Real Medicine Man” Ketut Lyler from the book/movie Eat, Pray, Love. In my post I talked about our trials, and triumphs and what we went through to get to where we are now traveling the world, and not being attached to […]
The Power Of Belief [Do You Have What It Takes]
Jim Carrie wrote himself a check for 1 million dollars for acting services rendered and gave himself 5 years. Just before 1995 he found out he was going to make $10million dollars for the movie “Dumb and Dumber” Tyler Perry went from being homeless to multi-millionaire. He says “we can have […]
The Power Of Events!
I have attended over 70 events in the last 10 years of being an entrepreneur, and I wouldn’t miss the next one. Why? Because events transform your life, your business, your belief and refill your cup. I have flown 36 hours to attend an event in Cancun all the way from Bali, Indonesia, 48 from […]
Are You Lulling Your Brain To Sleep?
I woke up this morning at 5:30am and decided to create a new reality. My mind woke before my eyes and body so I laid in bed and became very present to how I was feeling and started to visualize what I wanted my day to FEEL like… Not what I had to do today…but […]
Protected: 5/8/14 Warm Up Branding Session
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
How It All Started
80/20 Rule or Pareto’s Principle in Business
It pays to play to your strengths. But how do you pinpoint the areas that will increase your bottom line and earn you more money? Simple: By following Pareto’s Principle. (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) Named after Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto. The rule simply […]