Yesterday I was searching through my computer for a video I shot.  So I was going through albums and I found 5 video’s in a row that were shot by my little girl Hanalei.  I had never seen these video’s so I started to watch them.

Apparently she was on my computer and found Photo Booth and started to shoot video’s, one was of her singing a Kady Perry Song, another of her dancing and the last one was the video above.   I pushed play and started to smile:) She was sending a message to God, and thanking him for making the world a better place

Now I have never told her to do this, but we do have a constant dialogue in our family about our beliefs in a higher power, whether you call it God, Universe or Spirit and we talk about our part in making the world a better place and always giving gratitude for the things you have in your life.  If you have these kind of conversations with your kids, it becomes part of who they are and their values will come through even when they are alone.

Being a Mother of a 6 year old has allowed me to hold myself to a higher standard in life and in business, because who you are shows up in your kids.  If you are a complainer you kids will become a complainer, if you are a happy positive person, your kids will be the same, if you value the world around you…guess what?  Your kids will too.

GIVE UNSTOPABLE: Traveling with a Purpose Project

This is the reason we created our GIVE UNSTOPPABLE  project a few years ago, to not only give to those less fortunate around the world but to also allow our daughter to understand the importance of Living and Giving, and to love and appreciate the things we have in our life.

shirt for a shirt


We have 2 projects : “Shirt for Shirt” and “Educate Yourself Educate A Child” .

Our next shirt drop is on Hanalei’s Birthday April 17th at the South Lake Tahoe Youth and Family Services.

If you would like to be part of that day, you can purchase an Unstoppable Family T-Shirt and we will donate 1 in your honor, please share with those you know too so they can be part of such a fun way of living and giving!

Go to www.GIVEUNSTOPPABLE.COM  to order your shirt.




Remember:  Children are a reflection of you.

3 Responses

  1. OMG! ………….that is just so very precious. Belongs in a time capsule!!! Isn’t it so wonderful we can catch those “moments” on tape, and treasure forever. She is adorable. You have raised a “princess”.
    Kathie………a follower of all of you for a long time! lol

    1. Thank you KAthy! Yes, I agree..we have done our best to capture as much on video as possible!! They are our future..that’s for sure.

      and thank you for keeping with us through all our shenanigans!!

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