This webinar is typically hosted for those that are interested in my Branding workshop only….but we decided to open it up to the world, and I am glad we did.
I spend the first 45 minutes sharing the value of your story, developing your brand and your core message so that your audience can follow you throughout out the whole sales process.
Your most valuable marketing tool is YOUR STORY, but most people skip out on this part because it challenges them to take a look inside and discover the value’s that they have and share them with the world. The easy way out is jumping right into marketing and forget to give a pulse to your business. The world is changing, people want to work with REAL PEOPLE, not a website.
Here is the structure for writing a compelling story:
Tell About You and your background
Where I was
What happened to me
What is my vision
Where I am going
What I did about it
Your Solution
CTA (call to Action) 3:1
Once you get these pieces down, shoot a video to yourself talking about your story, then go back and watch it. Listen as if you were a customer and see the connections you will have with yourself. Many of your problems will be your customers, so start thinking in a way that you solved your problems and put them in your story as your close.
Once you have shot the video, now go write it out in detail starting with 1. Why you chose your business, opportunity or company 2. What was your breaking point or aha moment..then continue down the line connecting with that one customer that is just like you!
If you enjoyed watching the training webinar and would like to join me for my next workshop, you can go to and grab my FREE E-book and register for the next class.
Have an Unstoppable Day!
“Branding Queen”