
Unstoppable Giving


Unstoppable Giving in Peru

Sacred Valley Disaster Relief

We will be donating to the Sacred Valley Disaster Relief Fund in Machu Picchu over the next 6 months of our Journey since we will be in Peru April 2011. The people in Cusco are experiencing flooding, landslides, and water-borne diseases, so this Global Giving fund will provide money for medical needs.

Unstoppable Giving in Panama

We donated to Bocas BESO and sponsored the Bastimentos Boat Races whilst in Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Unstoppable Giving in Fiji

We have become so close to the boys here in Fiji and wanted to do something special for them.  The Settlement KoroLevu is close to  The Hideaway Resort, where we have been staying at the many of the boys that work at the resort also live in the Settlement.   The settlement is for families that have come over to the main Island from other islands to work and find a better living for their families. They started a Rugby team in the 80’s to give the boys a way to put their heart into something and to have pride for the Settlement that they are from. They had been raising money for new uniforms for years and had not come close to buying themselves full sets. So we decided to sponsor them. I have never seen more gratitude from a group of people in my life. They had several dinners with us and KAVA ceremonies to show their gratitude. We are so proud to be sponsors of the UNSTOPPABLE ISLANDERS!

Unstoppable Islanders

Unstoppable Giving in Bali

Bali Family

We spent over 4 months in Bali on the Bukit Penninsula on the cliffs at Nirvana Biru.  We became very close with many local people and families….But one particular group  became very close to our family so we wanted to do something special for them and their children.   Ilu was the most amazing woman and we fell in love with her family and children, Brian had a small laptop that he left for her 16 yr old daughter that had never had a computer.  She was so excited and Ilu said they couldn’t get her off of it once we gave it to her.  Our staff at Nirvana Biru was also near and dear to us.  Tiara was a 5 yr old little girl of Wyan, the home’s gardener.  Tiara and Hanalei spent hours together each day and neither of them spoke each others language…..it was beautiful, and Tiara was left with most all of Hanalei’s toys to use and to bring home to her family.

Unstoppable Giving in Panama (Give and Surf)


We provide substantive, hands-on, real world assistance and programs to the indigenous Ngobe people of this island archipelago. Give & Surf has developed the following programs for the communities of Bocas del Toro: a daily preschool, summer school, after school program, English program, baseball team, music program and many community development and construction projects. We offer enriching volunteer and internship opportunities to give back to others and give back to yourself in the remote islands of Bocas del Toro. Please follow us on FACEBOOK to stay up to date on our programs. We look forward to big smiles and touching the hearts of others with you. Please contact the crew with any questions you may have. – See more at:


Unstoppable Giving: Challenge

Unstoppable Giving Challenge

Mexico will be out home for 2 months, from Sept-November of 2010. We will donate to this fund for the entire time of our stay.


14 Responses

    I am actually a lil emotional going through it because this is my dream! And you guys just bring me SO much inspiration. Together, with Anan & Rhianna, we want to travel with our business…and we WILL! You are and always will be our mentors. We LOVE you guys so very much and once again THANK YOU for coming into our lives and being such amazing people & business professionals. Linda 🙂

  2. what you are doing is good God bless you one one my dream is also to help people but presntly not in that position right now rather I need people mentors to help and shown the way
    God bless you

  3. Hi,

    You’ve got an amazing lifestyle going on there. Would want to achieve that for my family as well. I have taken a look at Mirror Image Marketing, but I have yet to grasp how you make money out of it. What are you selling exactly to earn commissions to the tune of $30k+/week.

    Thanks for response,


  4. Hello,

    I’ve been on youtube and google mostly all day trying to find a legal legimate online Job. I can came across your site, I truely think this is GOD, im a single mom of 3 boys, Took the quarter off of school, to try to get my life on track, I dont have to be rich just comfortable would be nice, I have very little income, gained weight from being depressed, im just tired of being sick and tired, so if you can lead me in the right direction… im all ears… and at your service….please call me 253-468-0297, my phone just broke so if you call and its hasnt been replaced yet, leave me a email and ill email you back when my phone is working.

    Jamie Richardson
    The Stressed One

  5. Hi Guys,

    I admire you the most. As you are the only couple i know are living the NEW RICH LIFESTYLE & you are living it with a purpose & a good cause attached to it. I am happy to have you as my mentors. “I truly Believe we attract like minded people, opportunity & circumstances in our Life”.



    1. Hello Ajay,
      It has been a pleasure to know you over the past 4 years from around the globe to you in India! Congrats on putting out your goal 4 years ago and making it happen earlier this month. Rhonda & I are glad to have you part of our Journey!
      Cheers from Las Vegas,
      Brian Swan

  6. i wounder if they would hire me. For im not doing nothing in my life but its starting to come inline with. i believe all about the law of attraction.

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