San Sebastian, Spain..The’re Tapa’s…Not Topless!
Have you ever been to Spain and walked through the beautiful streets watching the crowds of people gather outside a bar with a glass of wine in one hand and a plate in the other full of delectable goodies? If you did…would you know what to do? How do I get one of these amazing […]
The Unstoppable Family hits Europe!
Hola from Spain! We have started the European leg of the Unstoppable Family’s Endless Summer Journey and are currently in San Sebastian, Spain, where we will be living from now until the end of Hanalei’s school year. From the US we flew to Germany where we visited Hamburg then Munich. We tried sausage at a German […]
Are You Present With What Is Happening Around You?
Are You Present To What Is Happening Around You? Isn’t it amazing how small the world is getting and how easy it is for us to communicate almost as if we were right next door? I am sitting looking out our window from our suite here in Barcelona as I am writing this post. Brian […]
Unstoppable Family Gets Nutz in Germany!
We started out European leg of our journey in Germany and headed to Hamburg to meet some friends that we met in our first week of our journey in Hanalei Bay, Hawaii. Axel and Carmen Haber
“Happy Labor Day” to the USA.
Today, Americans will be celebrating a Federal Holiday and an important time in American history… Labor Day-a tribute to contributions made by American workers for the growth and development of the country. *Labor Day is a day off for many people. *It’s a paid day off. *It’s a workday where labor is not required… […]
Stop Bragging, Not Everyone Can Live Their Perfect Life…Or Can They?
Happy Marvelous Monday! Yesterday we drove for 9.5 hours from Bend, Oregon to Seattle… ( supposed to take 5 hours) and I am going to be honest… I am sick of Driving……but pumped we are just 2 days away from departing the USA to Europe. In the last 60 days we have road tripped from […]
Freedom + Entrepreneur = FREEDOM-Preneur
What is a Freedom-Preneur? A Freedom-Preneur is someone that is in search of a better way of living life and earning a living. Our Freedom-Preneur philosophy is this: 1. You don’t have to live your life or earn money the way other people say you do. 2. You can do good things for yourself […]
Unstoppable Family Meets Michael Franti
How It All Started “In April, 2013 Michael Franti was scheduled to perform at the Wanee festival in Florida. Before the festival, Michael was contacted by Hope Dezember via Twitter. She explained that her husband Steve is living with advanced stages of ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, a life threatening illness which rapidly attacks the nervous system, paralyzing each body […]
Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? “Our Secret To Living The 4 Hour Work Week”
We hear so many people talking about wanting more freedom, but we also hear others talking about wanting to be an entrepreneur. What if you could have BOTH? I know it sounds crazy, but what we’ve done is found a way to bring them together, so that you can truly “Work from no home.” Most […]
Evil Goggle Has Done It Again! “How To Survive Gmail’s Promo Tab”
“Majority of contents of this post was provided by Copy Blogger and video from Mike Stelzner” Did Gmail just kill email marketing? Short answer: No. Longer answer: It’s way too early to tell. Even longer answer: Keep reading. So I’m going to guess you’ve heard about the new Gmail Promotions tab? In a nutshell, Gmail has […]