Why Entrepreneurs Are A Rare Breed
These stats are staggering but this article will help you increase these numbers. * Self-employed = less than 10% * Business owner = less than 3% * Business survival (10+ years) = less than 1% * $10M in revenue = .4% * $50M in revenue = .04% Entrepreneurship can […]
Courage vs. Fear
“I tell my kids, what is the difference between a hero and a coward? What is the difference between being yellow and being brave? No difference. Only what you do. They both feel the same. They both fear dying and getting hurt. The man who is yellow refuses to face up to what he’s got […]
8 Steps To Bathing When Water Is Scarce
It seemed fitting that I research what to do when you live in an area where water cant be scarce. Since Bocas Del Toro relies on rain water there are times when the whole town is doing the “rain dance”. When there is a shortage of rain the town gets a little creative and […]
Story of the Boiling Frog
Happy Happy Toad Tuesday ! Yesterday I asked the question if anyone has ever heard of the boiling frog story… Not a whole lot of responses so I am assuming most people have never heard the story, so here you go..its a great story and lesson that can be applied to any aspect in life. […]
Protected: Branding Week 5
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Kid President’s Letter To A Person On Their First Day Here
It’s hard being a person sometimes. Kid President offers up some advice on how to be a person – an awesome person. After I had Hanalei I was so worried about how to raise her, and how to keep her from harm in this crazy world we live in. It’s frightening being a parent and […]
Protected: Branding Week 4
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Steps to your Dream Life [e-book]
How did a Flight attendant of the 9/11 attacks move to Thailand just 5 months ago? She called in Sick that day on Sept 11, 2001 and is here to tell her story on Freedom-PreneurFriday Meet Kimberley & Scott Vento from S. California who did the unthinkable… They quit their jobs, sold everything and moved […]
5 Steps For Harnessing The Power Of Intention
Teaching your children necessary lessons for being an addition to society will not only keep you in line, but also give them the confidence to speak what they believe. So many children grow up in this world being told to “keep their mouth shut and to be seen and not heard”, Our children are our […]
Protected: Branding Week 3 Notes and Recording
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