We have been invited to speak at this amazing event in Vegas and we need your votes!! This year the organizers of the No Excuses Summit decided to choose the speakers by peer votes. We made the cut from over 350+ nominees to the top 50, and now we have to make it in the top 15 to get on stage!!

No Excuses Summit

All you need to do is follow the link below and click “LIKE” to like us on Facebook, and “+1” to vote for us on Google Plus!

(1 Vote via Google +1 and 1 Vote via Facebook ‘Like’ = 2 Votes!)

The No Excuses Summit is being held between April 20th and April 22nd 2012 in Las Vegas. The event is described as “an annual mega live event bringing together network marketing’s and internet marketing’s ‘all star’ top producers, in a safe and intimate ‘no pitch’ format for entrepreneurs to learn from, interact and network directly with speakers and industry top earners in attendance.”

Voting closes on January 31st at Midnight PST and we would love to speak at this incredible event!

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