This video is an interview we shot 4 years ago while in Rincon, Puerto Rico.  We share our journey from quitting our corporate jobs to working online and traveling the world for the last 6 years, the trials the tribulations and the journey.  I also put together the top things to do while visiting Puerto Rico below.

Top Things To Do In Puerto Rico

Rincon is located on the North Western corner of Puerto Rico and has some of the best surfing beaches on the island. Ever since the 1968 World Surfing Championship was held there at Domes beach, surfers have been travelling to Rincon to surf some of the best waves in the world. Our villa, Casa Por Fin, on Dogman’s beach, overlooked some incredible waves and we could literally roll out of bed and go surfing.

rincon biolumFrom the bioluminescent bay to the south to the Camuy Caves to the north, Rincon is ideally located to see so much of what Puerto Rico has to offer! Rincon has great surfing, but there are other nearby Puerto Rican surf spots as well.  Here are just some of the attraction near Rincon.

The phosphorescent bay off of the coast of La Parguera, a small fishing village on the Southwest corner of Puerto Rico. The luminescent effect in the bay is the result of a permanent population of tiny micro-organisms called Dinoflagellates. These animals produce a chemical spark of light when disturbed in the water. They can produce striking effects of green and white sparkles that can only be seen at night….and no, don’t worry – it’s not radioactive!

Camuy River Cave Park

There are only two other places in the world where you will find a cave system as massive or dramatic as the Río Camuy Cave Park – and neither of them has a tropical underground river thundering through it! Visitors ride a trolley that descends into a sinkhole lined with dense tropical vegetation while a guide describes the sights. After a walk across ramps and bridges and through the dramatically illuminated, 170-foot high Cueva Clara, another tram shuttles you to a platform overlooking the 400 foot deep Tres Pueblos Sinkhole.

Another attraction is the Spiral Sinkhole and Cave. You can walk the 205 steps down into the sinkhole, but the cave itself is off limits to all but experienced spelunkers. The sinkhole is believed to have once been an enormous cavern, and is indeed an impressive sight. Cathedral cave is home to an enigmatic collection of petroglyphs etched into the walls by the ancient Taínos (native Indians).

When we were staying in Rincon, we put this little slideshow together to share the surroundings of this amazing home we stayed in for a week.  Casa Porfine at Dogmans Beach.


Rhonda Swan~ Unstoppable Momma


10 Responses

  1. OMG guys! Thank you for that wonderful video of Por Fin dogmans!!! Hope all is going well with your family and hope to see you back in Rincon real soon. Anna Steve Ryan Lenny and Miss Dannie!!!

    1. Hola Anna,
      This is a long overdue response….we enjoyed your casa so very much! When we come back to Rincon, Puerto Rico…we would be honored to stay at your place once again!
      Cheers from Brasil,
      Brian, Rhonda & Hanalei Swan

  2. this is the video. this is one of the first ones i remember watching. what i was thinking was… holy cow is this really possible? and… how cool. i want to make travel videos like this. it really wasn’t that long ago. =)

    1. Nice, @disqus_BgS6YuwMg4:disqus….isn’t amazing how you can document your life & travels and be connecting with people from all walks of life and around the world. Glad to have you and Mike part of our Journey 🙂

  3. Rhonda, you guys were rockin’ it back then, and 4 years on you’re still rockin’ it!

    Ordinary people living an extraordinary dream. Inspirational as always 🙂

    1. Thank you much, @scottstembridge:disqus….hard to believe it’s now been 6 years on non-stop travels. It’s your time now 🙂

  4. Привет Брайан и Ронда! Я из России (бывший Советский Союз), живу в Санкт- Петербурге, В молодые годы я тоже много путешествовала, правда по Советском Союзу, тогда никто не ездил за границу, Страна у нас очень большая и побывала на Дальнем Востоке, купалась в Тихом Океане, на юге была на Черном море и в горах Кавказа пешком и на конях на горам. Есть.что вспомнить.Сейчас мне 67 лет, муж умер два года назад в 2013, сыновья, их у меня трое, уже взрослые.Старший Андрей тоже любит приключения, несколько раз ездил во Францию, Марроко,Финляндию. По России ездит или на мотоцикле или на автомобиле,средний Дмитрий домосед, у него трое детей, и они часто устраивают пикники в лесу или на даче. Младший Юрий -два раза на Черное море в Крым. Возраст моих сыновей 45,42 и 27
    Вы ведете прекрасную жизнь, спасибо за этот подарок, на меня нахлынули воспоминания о вольной жизни, встречи и прощания, новые друзья, приключения, песни. Волшебная пора.

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