Break out of the Cubicle

If you’re in a 9 to 5 job and feel burnt-out, then we know how you feel. That was us a few years ago. We worked in corporate jobs and were supposedly living the ‘American Dream’…except it turns out that wasn’t our dream.  We felt like hamsters in a wheel, only seeing each other on our way to and from work. Yes we had material things; nice cars, luxury homes…but what we didn’t have was the freedom to travel and do the things we dreamed of doing.

Now we’ve swapped our business suits for bathing suits and we live a lifestyle by design. We choose when we work and how we spend our time, and we make our jobs fit around our lives.

But we didn’t get here just by chance; we got here because we made a decision to do something about it. We didn’t want our child going to daycare, so we ditched our jobs to set up a portable business and travel the world. We have been to tons of different places, including Fiji, Bali, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Australia…the list goes on and on.

Take action today

One thing we know; your life won’t change unless you do something about it yourself. It has to be YOU who takes the action. We aren’t in the position we are in by accident. Things aren’t just handed to you on a plate; you have to be a go-getter.

So if you feel like you want to live life on your own terms, then NOW is the time to do it; we have helped hundreds of people to embark on a new path and live the lifestyle of their dreams. To find out how you can live a sustainable traveling lifestyle like us, enter your details using the form below and we will get in touch with you.


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21 Responses

  1. Hey Dynamic Duo of The Real Kindred !

    Thank you for your cell contact and number although Im running late so please give me a window or specific ( Im US Central) to return a call tomorrow, Wednesday.

    It’s Time … Wishing You All Endless Wishing Wells ~

  2. Hey Paul, If there was a catch we would be hiding behind it!!

    Give us a call, or put your info in the form below and we will share with you what we do…..Only if really want to know.

    The best part about our life and our business, is that we only work with those that we connect with and want to work with.

    Our direct lines are below:

    +1 (305) 851 2540 USA
    +61 (02) 8006 4748 Australia
    +44 (20) 3239 4208 United Kingdom
    +64 (09) 889 4443 New Zealand
    Skype ID (Swanlifestyle)

  3. Hello smiley family!

    Guys, you are so insrpiring with our energy and your courage to take full control of your lives! I would love to join you selling these products but I have the concern that English is not my mother tongue and also I don’t even know people who are interested in personal development or even consider it something serious. My husband for example still laughs at me every time I watch “The Secret” just to get motivated or inspired.

    So could you write me an e-mail and just tell me what my opportunities are?

    Thank you! Keep enjoying life and motivating people to follow their dreams!

  4. Hi I was directed to you by a friend of mine who is working with you. I am ready to make a positive chang in my life. Right now I am not employed and need to get an income. And put myself around positive people right now due to a resent break up mostly due to my finacial situation. Please help me reach my potential. Hope to hear from you soon.

  5. Hey guys,

    I’m very impressed with your lifestyle and “techniques” for creating emotional interest and enthusiasm in you. I am a skeptic – in denial. If there was an S.A. group (Skeptics anonymous) I would be a life member! What would be known as a “difficult case”.

    I’m a sales director for a very successful med. size business in Sydney Australia. I live on the northern beaches of Sydney and YES surf often. Take my kids to the beach etc……My work hours are not that bad. IN FACT my life aint that bad, BUT, I want more – I’m not enjoying mediocrity very much. I work my “chest” off for directors who gloat about the profits I bring in and how that manifests into the successfully greater good for The Company, but I can only see my fair to good salary only going up incrementally from now on now I’m so close to the ceiling of what they will ever pay me as a “wage earner”. I’ve freq. asked for a shareholding as I’m next in line but that aint ever gunna happen any time soon

    I want more. NOT being greedy here, just want to take the edge of the financial worry. Have my wife stop working so she can spend more time with the girls and in turn have my home a happy warm one to come home to every day or as you put it – not travel to a place of work anymore but still do well. It’s the doing ($$) well bit that I must sustain. In real terms – I’ve got a killer mortgage, I have lined up an excellent private school education for my girls in a few years, and I want to be able to afford it for them. Afford things that currently are unobtainable – BUT I AM NOT GREEDY – let me be clear. (Other readers here may think ‘ Far-out mate, Sounds like your OK – what’s your problem? “Thanks as yes I’m not poverty line material but my life is …well…. just on the top side of average ….really
    – I think my age, life and wisdom have taught me allot. MY life studies and experiences have made me the great skeptic to life changing mentors with clever formulas. I attend many seminars etc yet look in pity sometimes at some people in the room that are being sucked into the black hole vortex belief that the 2 day get rich messiah may save them and turn their life around – just like that!

    To make this an even bigger challenge for anyone who I take interest in showing me a better way is my wife. She is very beautiful I LOVE her but she is more skeptical and conservative than I am.

    Tell me you guys are not of this ilk. Tell me you genuinely have a better way that works – and I’m interested to learn more.

    1. Safbrina,
      It was great to connect with you over the phone a few months back when we were in Cusco, Peru. I hope your broken hand is healed by now….be careful with the martial arts. Cheers from Brasil

  6. Ok firstly not too sure what is supposed to go in the Website spot? Secondly I would love to find out more about what you guys do and how you do it…. I did submit the stuff you needed to contact me back so hopefully I get your call, All i can say is the sooner the better. One thing is for sure. I am passionate about business and passionate about life if anything they go hand in hand with out the stress factor!

    1. Hi Allan,
      Wow are you ever right. When you love what you do, then success follows.
      Did we have a chance to connect with you? If not please let me know and we will make a time to speak.

      The more people we can assist in finding what they want the better the world will be!

    1. Hi Marlin, we have a favorite saying from Lao Tzu “The journey of a million miles begins with the first step”

      4 years ago we ran into a bad realestate deal and lost everything we had. Cars, homes and all the cash we had saved for the last 30 years. We restarted our life with a vision for where we wanted to go, a dream and a purpose. This is a good start.

      Once you have your vision, then finding a way to make a living at it will come together.

      Wishing you well buddy! Keep us posted on where your vision takes you.

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