I was searching for other “4 Hour Work Week” success stories like ours on You Tube the other day and I ran across this video we shot in Bali Indonesia 1year after we set off on our 4HWW journey that we thought would only last for 2 years.. but we are approaching 5 years on November, 25th 2013 and still going!!
It is amazing what you can do when you just put your mind to it and take massive, focused action!
Below is my story of when I finally had the opportunity to meet Tim Ferris!
The Day I met Tim Ferriss
4 Hour Work Week? Not exactly…but close.
I will just admit right up front, I work about 4 hours a day, 4-5 days a week and it is not uncommon for me to have my laptop and have a view of the ocean while sitting in my bikini and working my business those 4 hours…or my “Muse” as Tim Ferriss would call it.
In 2011, I randomly ran into Tim Ferriss too…
We were staying on the island of Bocas del Toro, at the Palma Royale Hotel in Panama and in walks Tim right through the lobby. I glance over at him, and we both do a double take, like we knew each other, so when he came into the restaurant I had to go say Hi.
And what does he say?
“Hey Rhonda, I know who you are, Your the Mom of the Unstoppable Family” I was so pumped! Can you imagine? He knew us as one of the people who actually took his book, the “4 Hour Work Week” seriously!
Tim was a really humble guy. When I went to thank him and say how his book opened our eyes, he went to say “It has nothing to do with me… Your the one who deserves the credit. Out of all the people that have read 4HWW, you are one of the few that have actually taken action on it.
Most people only talk about it…
Let me tell you what he meant by that.
Our Unstoppable 4 Hour Work Week Story
My family the “Unstoppable Family”, has been traveling the world for last 4+ years non-stop running our mobile “Muse” anyone where in the world, and even without WIFI our business keeps running. Of course we have to be in a place to access WIFI but our “Muse” gives us the FREEDOM to travel all around the globe.
That is what a “Muse” is supposed to do..Work for you.
Let me share with you something I have found when it comes to success and failure. There are “4 CRUCIAL MISTAKES” that people make that can almost ensure failure.
Do you know what those “4 CRUCIAL MISTAKES are?
I want rewind really quickly for you, before I get into details how we replaced our 6 figure corporate income and what the “4 CRUCIAL MISTAKES are so you don’t make them.
Growing up I always did the right thing, and made my parents proud. I went to school and got good grades. I went on then to University, then went on to get my MBA and followed the path in search of success and happiness.
At least I thought it was the right path…
After my master degree I entered the JOB world, and started working for one the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Glaxo SmithKline. It was great when I started, I was getting to dress up in fancy clothes, corporate car and nice salary. Then as time went on, I started to feel that hollow feeling, and became totally disconnected to the path I was on and mostly the vision of the company.
I started to have the desire to raise a family and not but my kids through daycare, just like my Mom did for me, but the reality was, bills were stilling coming in and I knew I needed a drastic change and had to take massive ACTION if I was going make this dream a reality.
I had so many fears about leaving my job “Security”. I had never run any type of business before, I didn’t even know where to start, but I did know the life I wanted.
I just had to find it…
So one day I did a search on google, and came across a Online Business System that would change my life forever.
I have always been the type of person, that if someone else is doing something and succeeding I believe I can do it too. If someone can show me the ropes, then I can make it happen, So that is what I did, just followed the system and took action.
Was there a learning curve at the start?
Certainly, but within the first 8 month of starting and taking action, I replaced my monthly income and quit my JOB.
This is when it gets interesting and the 4HWW comes in.
After a couple years of running our business and working from home, things started to pick up and we looked into investing in some Real Estate. Little did we know… we were making some bad decisions and trusting the wrong people.
Long story short…we lost everything we had and filed Bankruptcy.
For first time in my life I saw fear in my husband’s eyes, because we didn’t know at that point how we were going to make it and continue on. Especially after having my new baby.
During this process, Brian picked up the “4 Hour Work Week and dove in to help change his mindset.
And One night in bed after reading about the “Mini Retirement” Tim talks about in Chapter 9 of his book, He suggests we sell off the rest of our possessions and kick start our business back off and travel the world.
I literally gave him the most evil “Are You Freaking Kidding Me” look I could find with complete disgust and walked away. We are going through roughest time in our lives fighting over $5 dollar burritos and you want to start traveling the world?
“Your nuts”, I said
But he kept pushing idea, and one night he opened up Chapter 9 open and said “Read it”. My life has never been the same.
1. Unrealistic Expectations
2. Thinking Everybody Can Be Steve Jobs
3. Job Mindset vs Business Mindset
4. Mentor
Get the Full Article on the 4 Critical Mistakes
Here=> https://unstoppablefamily.com/day-3-of-20-unstoppable-road-tripping-pajama-edition/
We have made with 7 figures in our industry and with that comes a lot of wisdom. We have seen a lot of fly by night people online, but we have been around now for a solid 8.5 years and are not going anywhere. We are committed to people are looking to make a real change in their life.
We work with people directly 1 on 1 if they are serious about making a change.
If you want to find a “Muse” that has a leveraged system where anyone can plug into regardless of background and skill level we can assist you. Since we work directly with people on a 1 on 1 basis, we only take a handful a month.
You can visit our site right now too see if we have any open spaces open on our team. If there is, snatch it up because they go quickly.
=>Team Site
Either way, I hope you found value in this article
Rhonda Swan
Thanks for the article… Very inspiring. I’m currently working through the 4hww while trying to get a few overlapping muses off the ground. Enjoy… Hope to be where you guys are sometime!