Day 3  of 20 and the “4 Critical Mistakes People Make As an Entrepreneur”

Now that Brian and I have split up and I am in Michigan and he will be on the road traveling from San Francisco

all the way to Denver we have decided to give you 2 video’s a day


1.  From my adventures in Michigan “Working from NO Home”

2.  From Swano while he is on the road, literally  “Working From NO Home”

Watch Brian’s video Below:

Swano Style

Being in the direct Sales industry for over 8.5 years, many people may think that we are special,

and they could never live this lifestyle because they are just starting.  Well, I shot this video this morning

sharing how our mindset has shifted with the kind of business we have been running for the last 8 years.

Our time is our most valuable asset, and even though you can work from home, are you maximizing your time with your family ?

Or are you slaving now in front of the computer?

Well, we recently had a shift in thinking and are now understanding that we need an automated system to continue living our best life, so that we can allow the systems to work for us..Not us work for the system.


4 Critical Mistakes People Make As An Entrepreneur

1. Unrealistic Expectations

They hear about success story’s and see all the glory, but overlook the blood sweat and tears. They don’t see the 4 failed attempts before the success story. They don’t see the working nights until you pass out. They hear about the “4 hour work weeks” They get disappointed when have attempted a business for 3 weeks and they have not seen the results they are dreaming about. When I first started my business, I went 7 months without a profit. I worked that business everyday and increased my skills.

While most quit without results, I kept on.

2. Thinking Everybody Can Be Steve Jobs

Just like there is only one Micheal Jordan or Micheal Jackson. This applies to every field out there and I was perfectly fine not being the superhero. I just wanted to raise my family and build my life around family not my business. I wanted to be apart of something with support and a system. I don’t need be a multi- millionaire to achieve happiness in my life, having more money is always great but that is not what drives me. I am driven by helping others achieve what they want and also having freedom to do what I want and when I want. I am not naive saying money is not important, because without a nice 6 figure income it would be hard to travel the world the way we do. People often think we have 10 million dollars just sitting in a bank account. It is not the case we just have money come in 365 days a year no matter where we are around the world.

Our “Muse” works for us just how Tim talks about.

3. Job Mindset vs Business Mindset

With most jobs we do just enough not to get fired. With our business we use leverage and create residual streams. Its not how many hours that you work that determines your income. It is how much value you can bring to the table, this was a big shift in thinking.
We currently work between 3-5 hours a day 4-5 days a week and our “Muse” works when we don’t giving us FREEDOM to not slave everyday. In my 8th month in business I made $37,000 in profit and it was not that I worked harder than I was working before.

It was the leverage and the system that allowed this to happen.

4. Mentor

People are going into business who have never ran a successful business before. You might have success a little bit by yourself without any guidance. WITHOUT QUESTION down the road you will run into issues without a mentor. A mentor is there to show you the bumps in road before you get them. I want to be clear it is not about hand holding, you have to get the ball moving and prove you are worthy of your mentors time but a great mentor will be in great demand for a reason. It has to be a win- win situation for both people. Right now, my husband are I are some of the most respected people within the direct sales industry and have mentored thousands of people

We have made with 7 figures in the industry and with that comes a lot of wisdom. We have seen a lot of fly by night people online, but we have been around now for a solid 8.5 years and are not going anywhere. We are committed to people are looking to make a real change in their life.

We work with people directly 1 on 1 if they are serious about making a change.

If you want to find a “Muse” that has a leveraged system where anyone can plug into regardless of background and skill level we can assist you.

Since we work directly with people on a 1 on 1 basis, we only take a handful a month.

You can visit our site right now too see if we have any open spaces open on our team. If there is, snatch it up because they go quickly.
Either way, I hope you found value in this article

Brian & Rhonda Swan
Brian & Rhonda Swan



Rhonda Swan




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