Mastermind Interview with Linda Layman

 In Blog

The first series of our Mastermind interviews is with Linda Layman, LifeSuccess Coach with Bob Proctor.

Linda has coached all sort of people from individuals, to people in the banking industry, to coaching leadership in one of the biggest healthcare systems in the US.

In this interview Linda discusses how so many people in business or in life can get stuck from achieving the success that they truly want.

Even though they have great intentions and they know what they should do, they don’t go past that mark.

This is caused by paradigms, or habits formed in our subconscience. It starts when we are children, when we are influenced by the people around us. This can be the beginning of the limiting belief that we are not worthy enough to achieve success and make money.

The first step is to realise what those paradigms are, and then take steps to eliminate them.


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  • Kama Ama

    Lovely interview,thank you.I finaly know where I was going wrong, I need to think about it and simply sort it out.

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