Last week we celebrated LifePath Unlimited’s annual Destiny Event at the Monasterio Hotel in Cuzco. Every year our company hosts this fabulous event in luxury resorts around the world, and this year, they chose Peru! The hotel is located in a former monastery dating back to 1592 and is built on ancient inca foundations. We couldn’t believe our eyes- it was absolutely spectacular and our opening ceremony was held in a breathtaking chapel with elaborate gold ornaments.

Chapel in the Monasterio Hotel, Cuzco, Peru

We explored the famous World Heritage site of Machu Picchu which stands 2,430 meters above sea level, and learned all about the history of the Incas. We were taken on a spiritual journey by several Shamans from the villages in Peru who teach the ancient Inca beliefs. They conducted a number of cleansing rituals and taught us how to connect to our inner spirits.  Machu Picchu has been one of the most unforgettable and mind blowing experiences of our lives! There are no words to describe how incredible it was except…wow!

Unstoppable Family at Machu Picchu in Peru

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