happy bucI used to be a real ” B$TCH “ when I was younger, I had a huge chip on my shoulder.

I would fight, blame, give people bad looks for glancing at me and always thought others were talking about me.

Without knowing, I didn’t like who I was inside.


Nor had I learned the true meaning of happiness, acceptance or personal responsibility for the outcomes that were happening in my life.

Until one day….

My Dad challenged me, He said “Rhonda, you will never turn out to anything of value if you continue on this path”.
I looked at him with a curl in my lip and anger in my eye.

“What are you talking about, I am a great athlete, I get great grades and I am not a screw up like most kids my age”

“You don’t get it”, he replied

We get out of the world what we give, and if you continue on this path the world will stop giving to you.

You may be a great athlete, and probably have more dedication than most adults, but you do not appreciate what you have, and that chip on your shoulder is holding you back from getting the most out of life. ( even at 15)

Today I want you to do something, he said.

I want you to walk through the day holding virtual buckets filled with happiness. I want you to walk hard, swinging your arms, splash that happiness on everyone you come in contact with and see what happens. See how you feel by the end of the day.

Reluctantly I did it.

And guess what happened?

I felt different inside, people smiled at me, others said hello and one man gave me a hug I had never met. From that day on I made a decision to be different, to look at the world with rose colored glasses and to truly choose happiness.

pealeI became addicted to books like:

“The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Pealeย 

Ask And It Is Given By Esther Hicks

The Way of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

and of course my all time favorite The Celestine Prophecy.

The Unstoppable Family motto today is “Happiness Is a Choice, and That It’s Found Within”.

I am eternally grateful for my “Happy Bucket Challenge” that day and would like to create a world wide “Happy Bucket Challenge” for adults, children and the world at large so that we can create a happier planet.

Next week we will be releasing our “Happy Bucket Challenge” Video and will choose 3 others to take part in the challenge and shoot a short video of themselves, their children, families or communities creating happiness around the world.

Would you like to join us? ย Head over to our Facebook Page “Happy Bucket Challenge” ย to watch the newest video’s and post yours.

This is a great video shot by Peter Sharp another person who spreads happiness around the world.

Happy Bucket Challenge 2015!ย 

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26 Responses

  1. I’m looking forward to strutting the streets of Asheville, NC with my “Happy Buckets”, drenching people with HAPPY WATER. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I always LOVE spreading joy and one of my signatures is my smile so I just need to video it! Talon said he wants to help too. Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I am so looking forward to this I feel that there is not enough smiles and happiness given out on daily basis thank you for this Unstoppable Family

  4. You guys are great! I really have to think about how would I share my happiness to others? But just as you said, as I go around to other people, I splash it ALL OVER THEM. And the best part, they don’t even know what happened until it is too late. Thanks Rhonda for splashing us all with happiness.

  5. Happy Buckets, oh yeah this is gonna be fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you Hanalei for having a vision to spread Happiness around the world. You are truly one of my greatest inspirations.

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