Got FreedomSo, what does living FREE really mean?

Does it mean that you can stop earning money and skate by on your good looks for the rest of your life?

No, of course not.  

What it means to live free is to have the freedom to live the way you always dreamed.  Speak the language I’m not here to tell you what your ideal life looks like. I think you already know what you want. What I would rather do is get you thinking about what freedom looks like, so that you can decide how to make it a reality and don’t allow “I don’t to keep you from venturing out.



You Have the Freedom to Think

 Are you in a job where you are told what to do, when to do it, and how you ought to feel about it? Yeah…I can relate. I used to have a corporate job where climbing the corporate ladder had been glamorized. Then one day it happened…I woke up! In that moment, I realized that this wasn’t the life I wanted.   

I left my job and pursued a way to make a living that worked for me and my family. I am no longer a lemming, just going along with whatever my boss tells me. Now, I have the freedom to think…to be creative and pursue my dreams.

Freedom to Live Where You Want

Are you tired of living in a particular town or city because that is where the jobs are? What if I told you that there is a way you can live anywhere in the world and make money? We put a business model in place that has allowed us to leave our California home and hit the road with our daughter.  We just passed the 6 year mark of world travel that was not possible until recently.  The world is opening up and FREEDOM is ringing!


Freedom to Earn an Income Anywhere You Want

We found a way to earn a decent stream of revenue through online sources. Not only do we earn enough to meet the needs of our family, we are also able to give back to the world around us with programs like Kiva and local charities that we support on our giving back page here.

With our ability to make money online, we can live wherever we like. We decided that we didn’t want to wait until retirement age to see the world. Instead, we are living where we like while raising our daughter.  

Got Freedom ArchFreedom to Teach Your Kids What Values Your Family Holds

The biggest motivation we had to really live free was for our daughter, Hanalei. There are only so many hours we get in this life with our family. Instead of shuttling her off to daycare and letting someone else raise her, we decided that living free meant we were going to raise her.

The life of a freedom-prenuer is one where you have freedom to think, live where you like, make money online and raise your family with the values that are important to you without allowing other people’s opinions to rattle you, most people that judge and throw stones are too afraid to even venture off into the world.

This is why they become so judgemental and insulting when someone takes a stand for what they believe in.

Rhonda Swan

(Unstoppable Momma, Blogger, Freedom-Preneur)


13 Responses

  1. This is great many think freedom means money and laziness but it’s what ever you want it to be. Freedom to travel. do missions trips, give…..etc Thanks for sharing this…

    1. You are very welcome, @tanyapatxot:disqus….yes, it’s the freedom to live how you want to live and to make a contribution to the World at the same time.

  2. Not letting someone else raise your child………..that quote should kickstart a revolution to start working towards the freedom-preneur lifestyle!

  3. Rhonda, I love this video and watch it often. This post is so inspiring and reminds me why I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for making the decision to have Freedom in your life and share with the world your travels and Hanalei’s days of wisdom 🙂

  4. Im so excited to stary my journey to living the freedom-preneur lifestyle with my family…Thank you..x

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