Fiji has definitely hit my top 5 list of country’s to visit. The weather, the beautiful happy people, the tropical coastlines, and HITCHIKING! In all my 36 1/2 years I have only hitchhiked a few times, and all were under 10 years old when I was visiting my Father for the weekend. (that’s a whole other story)

After being at the Hideaway Resort for a few days, Kini (one of the staff) asked if I wanted to head into town with her to get some supplies….Shopping?  of course, I am in.   She tells me to wait out front of the hotel at 1 pm.  I head to the front of the hotel the next day thinking we are taking a taxi…” oh no” Kini say’s, “Taxies are too expensive, we will take the bus or hitch a ride”.

Ok, all of you may be thinking my eye’s got big when she said that, but I was up for the challenge…how bad could the bus be?  or hitching a problem I have been traveling for a year and a half, I can handle it.

Man, it is hot in Fiji when you are waiting for a bus……20 minutes goes by. “Kini”, I ask where is the bus?  “Fiji time,” she says…let’s hitch a ride.  5 minutes later, with a quick toss out of “the ol’ thumb” we got a ride.  White mini van with a full load….2 seats open!!  NICE.  I sat next to a 6-year-old boy that was dripping with sweat (good to know that even the Fijians get hot)   The van was fast, but no windows!!! OMG!  8 hot sticky people, sitting on plastic covered seats with no air flow…yes take a guess…a bit “funky” but better than waiting in the sun for the bus.

After 30 minutes we arrive a Sigatoka Town….”Did I think I was going to shop”  hmmm not much in the high-end shopping department, but there was a lot of people and stuff going on!  Take a look at the video.

I came home with 3 bottles of wine, shampoo, Tabasco (an absolute in my world) a sim card, 3 months worth of name brand birth control pills, vitamins, batteries…all for under 150 Fijian ($75 US)  NOT BAD!

Needless to say I took a cab home!!  ( $15 fJ)

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