I had the pleasure of being interviewed from my current location in Mexico by Skye King for Grow Success Today on Blog Talk Radio. In the interview I describe how I felt as a ‘hamster in a wheel’ working in the corporate world back in San Diego, supposedly living the ‘American Dream’. I quit my job, left the rat race and now my family and I live a different dream, our own.

Let me know what you think.

4 Responses

  1. I enjoyed your video. The word CHOICES was said several times. Talk to me on that. Look forward to hearing from U.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you very much for the compliment. We are very grateful for everyday of our lives…because of the choices we have made, to leave our corporate jobs that created so much stress, to working for ourselves.

      What was it about choices that you would like to hear more about?

      best to you,

  2. Hi Guys,

    Awesome video. Can’t wait to lead the lifestyle you guys are living now!!
    Thanks Brian for the calls. Super Psyched up!!!


  3. Wow rhonda it sounds like you used to have the “Dream Life” that we are all grown up to want. However it appears that even with all the “things” that you had you still diddnt find that hapiness that you were searching for. You much like me asked yourself what will make me happy!!! and as you know you dont need to know how your going to do something you just need to know that your going to do it. The story is truley insparational and every time I hear it I get more and more excited about working with you and Brian.
    -talk to you soon

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