June 3rd marked Rhonda’s birthday! To celebrate, we took a road trip to Alabama!

Full moon in Alabama

Birthdays are such a great reminder for giving gratitude to those around you. We departed PCB and headed to Alabama to visit family that we hadn’t seen for years.  The whole 6 hour drive I was receiving phone calls, emails and Facebook posts wishing me a Happy Birthday, and it made me think of how truly grateful I am for the people around me.

[quote]”Giving gratitude is one of the first principles to creating success in your life- Wallace d. Wattles, writer of As A Man Thinketh [/quote]

What better time to be grateful for the people, the experiences and what is yet to come than on your Birthday. So instead of waiting to recieve wishes on your birthday, begin giving wishes now and enjoy the results that come from it.

This month, in lew of my birthday, we are exploring the practices of “Gratitude and Giving”. It is important to remember that all of life is a gift. Give thanks each day for all the wonderful gifts and blessings in your life. Then remember to share your gifts with the world and spread the joy!

Gratitude and Giving.

Even the thought of giving,
the thought of blessing or a simple prayer
has the power to affect others.
~Deepak Chopra

Here are some of our favorite books on gratitude, giving and generating amazing results in your life.

7 Spiritual Laws of Succes by Deepak Chopra

The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Celestine Prophesy by James Redfield

The Richest Man In Babylon by Geore S. Clason

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Change your Thoughts Change your Mind by Wayne Dyer 

As a Man Thinketh by Wallace D. Wattles

2 Responses

  1. Hello Brian & Rhonda,
    my name is Javier and I’m from Miami. I read your post in gratitude and noticed you were very thankful for all the happy birthday wishes you received. I myself have an online business that allows you to thank those that wished you a happy birthday. I’d appreciate if you visit my website and I would be looking forward in finding out how I can live a sustainable life like yours. Thank you.

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