

Our Unstoppable Story

We are Rhonda, Brian and Hanalei Swan, otherwise known as The Unstoppable Family.

We left our home in San Diego on November 25th 2008 and have been traveling around the world with our daughter Hanalei ever since. Our around the world trip was only meant to last two years, but now there is no end in sight at this moment. We are living proof that you can travel, live your dreams and make a sustainable income!

Looking at us today, you might find it hard to picture us in the corporate world back in San Diego. We were earning six figure salaries and supposedly living the ‘American dream’, with the luxury homes, cars and lifestyle that many people aspire to. Except there was one problem: inside we felt emotionally hollow and empty, like hamsters in a wheel.

Something had to change. Fast.

One thing we new for certain was we needed more freedom. We wanted to raise a child without having to put them through day care, so we set up a mobile business in the industry of personal development.

When life throws you curveballs…

Things were going well, but then something happened that completely turned our lives upside down.

We had invested money in a golf course and property development, but the money disappeared and the golf course was never built, resulting in an expensive court battle over real estate fraud.

It was a huge blow, but digging into personal development books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, we realized that this kind of obstacle or tragedy didn’t have to define us and that even though we were losing all our homes and assets, we still had an amazing business that we could take anywhere.

So after reading the chapter in The 4 Hour Work Week about mini retirements, we realized we could make it our life. We decided to make lemonade out of lemons and embark on what we now call “The Unstoppable Family’s Endless Summer Journey.” We got rid of all our material possessions, and embarked on a journey to live our own dreams, traveling the world and surfing the best waves.

In the last three years we’ve been to countries all over the world, including Bali, Fiji, Hawaii, Australia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and now Brazil to name just a few!   We have been involved in the direct sales and network marketing industry for over 8 years now, our passion is personal development, health and travel along with helping others discover their true passions in life and turn them into a financial reality.

Our daughter Hanalei has more stamps in her passport than most adults and she is seeing and doing things that she would have only ever learnt about in a textbook. She goes to school in every country we visit, so she is fluent in Spanish and is brilliant at picking up languages.

Giving Back

We believe that the more you give, the more you receive, and everywhere we go we make sure we give back to the communities that we visit as part of our ‘Unstoppable Giving’ project. In Fiji, for example, we sponsored a rugby team made up of islanders from a nearby settlement. They had been saving up for rugby kit, but hadn’t come close to raising enough money for the full sets, so we were very proud to help them achieve their goal.

We take videos of our daily activities and write about everything that we do on our blog, under our motto “Making a Life….Not a Living”

If you sign up to our newsletter, you receive a free copy of our Insider Secrets e-book, which shows you everything you need to know about living Unstoppable…from our lifestyle philosophy, to business tips and travel advice. In the book we talk about our “3-legged table” philosophy, including how we keep our minds and bodies in shape, as well as our approach to business. We offer our top tips for running a successful business, and share our travel tips, from rentals to credit cards and electronics.

In addition to our Insider Secrets, we have also created a video called “How to Create Your Perfect Day”. In the video Brian pays it forward and shares the formula for happiness and effortless cash flow. The video comes with a list of questions to help you establish what your perfect day would look like.

We are proof you can live your dreams!

Our message is simple: don’t put off your dreams. Take action today and live life to the fullest. And even when life throws obstacles in your way, use them as a lesson to create something even better. Just don’t let life pass you by.

So many people these days work 9 to 5 jobs that they don’t even like, just to look forward to their two-week holiday once a year. Don’t be one of those people! Life doesn’t have to be that way- it is possible to live the life of your dreams!

 If you would like to work with us, or find out how you can also “Make a Life and not a Living”  please send a direct email to us, we answer all our mail personally through email or phone call.  Send all reequests to [email protected].

Where We’ve Been



    20 Responses

    1. Hi guys,
      my wife and I are really keen to find a sustainable business that will get us out of our current financial hole. Your story looks really inspiring and we would love to have the success and financial freedom you guys have, but we have been burnt badly with some MLM businesses on the internet. We would love to hear about something REAL that’s not going to bankrupt us before we even make a dollar. You are living our dream! Keep it going.

    2. Hey There,

      My name is Srini and I’m a personal development blogger/avid surfer. One of my friends told me about your blog. Stoked to check out everything you guys are up to and start digging through your archives.

    3. Hey guys,

      Your story is such an inspiration to me.

      I’ve made the decision to leave my home by October 2011 and wanted to move to a new city/country, but your adventure seems pretty awesome and who knows I might have to follow in your footsteps.

      Thanks a lot for the inspiration!


    4. Kelvin,

      I hear you buddy. There is a lot out there and many people are hiding behind a website. Brian and I are putting ourselves out in the public to truly prove there are still great people making a difference in the direct sales/network marketing industry.

      We would love to have a chat with you.
      Call us:

      +1 (305) 851 2540 USA
      +61 (02) 8006 4748 Australia
      +44 (20) 3239 4208 United Kingdom
      +64 (09) 889 4443 New Zealand
      Skype ID (Swanlifestyle)

    5. You are such an inspiration! I have had the honor to work with you for the past 4 years and you are not only a cool family, you are people of generosity, ready to assist anyone in accomplishing their hearts desire.The UNSTOPPABLE Family is a family of INTEGRITY. You have shown me that no one is EVER a victim of their circumstances, and that is a powerful spritual principle to model. We are more powerful beings than we may ever fully know, thanks for rising to this occassion, we call LIFE!

    6. Rachel,
      Thank you for such kind words, but you know it has everything to do with who YOU are, you are the one that has walked through and created the best you! We were just there to encourage you along the way.

      This quote from Andy Andrews came up for me after reading your post:

      “Everybody wants to be on the mountaintop, but if you’ll remember, mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on the top of a mountain. Sure, the view is great, but what’s a view for? A view just gives us a glimpse of our next destination-our next target. But to hit that target, we must come off the mountain, go through the valley, and begin to climb the next slope. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life’s next peak.”
      — Andy Andrews (The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective.)

      XOXO Rhonda

    7. I just stumbled upon your website, and I must say “well done!”. I also dream of seeing the wolrd, and showing it to my baby who’ll be with me in a few weeks, that’s why I’m looking for the energy to cut the chain of my current job (it’s kinda hard because I’m the only financial support of the family). I’m a natural born fighter, but, particularly today, when I left the office I had the distinct feeling that I was escaping from a prison of emptiness. A place like that, where the only objective is to feed greed with greed, can make one feel extremely bad and negative, I must leave it!

      I feel that I already did some big steps ahead since I started my blog, aimed at washing off my own negativity, and your story gave me more positivity to go ahead. 🙂
      I’ll add you to my Skype, if you don’t mind, maybe one day we can have a quick chat.

      Thanks again and greetings from Ireland! 🙂

    8. please email stories sounds great son had a brian tumor last year life is so short and unpredicable love to do that adventure please keep in touch marlene

    9. what an amazing experience to share with your daughter. We are about to head around Australia with our five boys and would love to travel in style. I am a full time blogger and would love to hear more about your company. Sounds like an amazing program. Thanks for sharing your story – it makes me realise that life is full of dreams 🙂


    10. Omg u guys rule it sounds like the perfect life for advanturess people like me & my hubby, we would love to travel the world so far we’ve been to nevada, loughlin, utah, miami, arizona, new york and el salvador n next honduras back to my roots but its great to travel the world and get to know different people and cultures. I can’t wait to see what u have in store for all of us but if its stocks and investment that’s hard sometimes these days because stocks go up and down and there not really secure now and days 401k seems like it could not be there by the time we retire but even so guys its great what your doing and were all still young it like they say if u can do it so can I…….good luck guys and stay in touch.

    11. I’m in agreement with a lot of the other posters on here that you’re story is very inspirational and motivating.

      I’ve read the books you mentioned and have used them as a major focus in my life.

      My next steps are developing my site and hopefully be able use it for passive income and live around the world like yourselves.

      Look forward to reading more on your site!

    12. Salty. I just ran into this blog today so I don’t know this family. But I’m going to assume you never made it in network marketing and that is why your going to blog about them.

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