Have you ever thought about your POV? Point Of View. Your POV determines how you see the world and influences your perception of reality. This is significant because we don’t live our lives based on reality but rather our perception of reality.

For example if you lost your job your POV could see it as an opportunity to start the business or pursue the career you always wanted while the POV of someone else might focus on the fear of going broke and never finding a job again.

One person is filled with positive emotions and energized by the opportunity while the other is paralyzed by fear and likely in need of therapy. The same event leads to two different POV’s, perspectives, emotions and actions.

POV influences everything. One company views the economy as an opportunity to gain market share while another company complains that the good ole days are gone.

Talk to different people about politics at a party and you’ll get different POV’s. Walk outside in the rain and some will grumble that they are getting wet while others will be thankful because their yards and flowers needed the water.

Everyone has a POV and its important to think about how you see the world. Because how you see the world defines YOUR world.

I can personally attest that as someone who is not naturally a positive person I’ve worked hard to develop a PPOV. A Positive Point Of View. And by doing so for the last ten years I can see how my PPOV has enhanced my J-O-Y and my L-I-F-E.

This wonderful Article was written by Jon Gordon

Inspiration from www.JonGordon.com

One Response

  1. This article came to my inbox today from Jon Gordon. It made me proud that I have been instilled with the positive gene…but then I got to thinking, being positive does take effort and due diligence. So thank you Jon for the reminder for staying and being positive..

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