Art of Non Conformity
Art of Non Conformity


“Art of Non-Conformity” should be our familie’s middle name, we beat to our own drum.

It happens to be the name of Chris Guillebeau’s amazing first book…..and we were in it! We didn’t even know we were mentioned in the book until somebody told us about a year after it was published. We were so excited that we were in the USA, and San Diego to be able to attend the event and meet him.

Why do we call ourselves “Non-Conformists”?

Well, our Family has been traveling around the world with our 6 year old daughter for the past 4.5 years.
Surfing and travelling is our passion. In fact my wife and I met in the water surfing 15 years ago, in San Diego, and adventure is in our blood, so we decided to make it part of our life.

What does life look like as a “non-conformist”?

Well, we have traveled to the best surfing spots all over the world for the last 4.5 years…all while running our internet business. We traded our business suits for “bathing suits” and now “snow suits” since we are in South Lake Tahoe for the next 6 months.

I’ll be honest.

It’s one thing to travel as a single guy, but as a family, there are so many more elements that add to the complexity, just ask Rhonda and my daughter.

But I will say…traveling the world with my family is the best thing we’ve have ever done & I would not trade it for anything. We are doing things now that I would never dream possible sitting behind my desk 8 years ago…

Seriously, if someone would’ve told me as an engineer that I would be traveling around the world with my family and surfing the world’s best waves…

I would have asked them.. “What you smoking?”

But people do ask us “Did you win the lottery? or get an inheritance from an unknown uncle? Not at all….but let me share something with you, how we have created this life we are living right now. You may not believe it. It would be a lie if I told you everything went smoothly.

The reality is….we went thru a major Bankruptcy dealing with lawyers & lawsuits for about 2 years straight…it was NOT fun at all. Life got so bad before our trip that we couldn’t even afford $10 skype credit nor a $5 burrito…which is a whole other story upon itself.

Growing up I did everything I was “meant to do “. I was the good student (sort of) in school, went on to study engineering at the University of Illinois & got a “good job” as an engineer right out of college. I moved out to California, found a beautiful (and smart) woman and got married… we were both making 6 figures at our corporate jobs. Everything was peachy, but life was not that exciting with only 2 weeks of vacation / year.


Engineer Lifer
Engineer Lifer


Early on in my JOB, I remember seeing an “engineering sales guy” while walking through a trade show…and he just looked “Tired” with no life in him.

I made a decision right there that I would not be “that guy”.

It was not until years later that I realized that the internet could be an option…thank goodness for my wife, since she is the one who retired this “skeptical” husband. I am from a small farm town in Illinois. All I knew was to go to school & get a ‘good’ job…

You know …the American way.

My mind could not see anything else. People I knew who had freedom…I saw them as ‘lucky’ or they were handed a silver spoon, I couldn’t see the possibility for me or my life.


Let’s get back to Chris G. and “The Art of Non- Conformity” real quick…because this guy is amazing.

Last summer we returned back into the USA after 15 months in Central & South America…so it was time for a road trip thru the USA to visit friends & family. We downloaded Chris’ 2nd book…”The $100 Startup” & listened to it over the car stereo as we cruised from Florida (my parents) up to Michigan (Rhonda’s parent). The nuggets in that book were priceless, so we then downloaded & listened to the “The Art of Non-Conformity” which just blew our minds.

What is so great about his books is that he gives you specific examples of real people with real businesses that do not require a ton of capital to get going. Chris also shares how he grew his own business and how he expanded…what worked and didn’t work. This has helped us immensely.

Go pick up his books if you have not had a chance yet….they are well worth it.
This post is a long enough already…

I know a lot of people don’t like to read. So we created a video explaining how we went from bankruptcy in a bad real estate deal…to coming back even stronger having our business completely mobile and allowing us to travel the world completely free of the “things that tie you down”.

You will learn about our full story and details of our business. We’ve shown 1,000’s of people how to set up their own mobile business they can operate from anywhere in the world. I invite you to visit my site below and I will show you everything.

If Your A Gal click below


If your a Dude click below


Either way BE UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Brian & Rhonda Swan
Brian & Rhonda Swan



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