Happy Marvelous Monday!

unstoppable family banner bastimentos boat races bocas del toro panamaYesterday we drove for 9.5 hours from Bend, Oregon to Seattle… ( supposed to take 5 hours)

and I am going to be honest…

I am sick of Driving……but pumped we are just 2 days away from departing the USA to Europe.

In the last 60 days we have road tripped from Tahoe to San Fran, to Michigan, San Diego, Arizona, Vegas, Utah, Denver then back to Utah, Tahoe then Bend……now Seattle and Europe on Wednesday to start….

The Unstoppable European Vacation!!!

Many people may look at where we have been, or read the posts we write and say ” Geeze must be nice”, “or Stop Bragging, not everyone can do what you do”, or even “Judge and Say nasty stuff about us”.

but what I have come to understand is when people say things like that, it typically means they have never seen the possibility for themselves. They have never believed that they too can create their dream life…..

or ” Create Their Perfect Day” as we like to say.

The truth is, anyone can live the life of their dreams or create the life they have always wanted if they go after it with the most burning desire they can imagine.

But does it take sacrifices?

See this is the part where everyone falls short and starts to think its not possible. You bet your butt it takes sacrifices, and as an entrepreneur it can take long days, hours, and pure Rhondafaith to start living the life you dreamed of because you have to work for it.

You know how I said that many people may look at us and think that we didn’t have to sacrifice anything to start traveling the world or that me wanting to stay home with my daughter was as simple as just quitting my job and “POOF” life was easy??

Well, that is the farthest from the truth…

In fact, right after Hanalei was born we found out we were losing everything we had because we made a “Stupid” investment decision and the dream life we had created in our mind….was not going to roll out like we thought…

not even close.

My perfect world of building our business before Hanalei came to this world changed very quickly when we found out we were losing everything we had in the real estate deal.

I now had to go back to the drawing board, make arrangements to sell everything we had, put together a game plan of what we were going to do with our life and start over… Start Re-building the vision.
Hanalei's First Passport Photo
It took us about 6 months to get everything together.

June 5th 2008 we made the decision that we were not going to stay in San Diego and re-build, we were going to start exploring the world around us instead of anchoring ourselves.

This was a blessing in disguise.We sold our homes, our possessions and started our travels on Nov 25, 2008 and started our life over with $23K to our name and a vision bigger than life.

So, is it like a “Fairy Tail”?


Would I change it…

Not a chance……

You see, when you have a MISSION bigger than your OBSTACLES, you do whatever it takes to make them become a reality.

People will judge you, give you their “Best Advice” and even criticize you for going after a dream that they would never do themselves.

but you keep pushing on.

Keep your vision in your “minds eye” and never take your eye off the target. NEVER.

This is what we have done now for nearly 5 years.

Has it been easy….no.

We have dealt with more obstacles personally, financially, spiritually and emotionally in the last 5 years than I think we have in our whole life.

But our vision to share the world with our daughter, to explore cultures and to experience life is greater than any obstacle we can run into.

We are on a mission to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and help set people FREE from the shackles in their mind that limits them from living their BEST life.

Is it easy…..?

I guess so….

because we know that we can make it through anything life throws at us and we know you can too.

and that my friends…..is UNSTOPPABLE!

Have a “Marvelous Monday” my friends!

Rhonda~ Unstoppable Mamma

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