Hey from Lake Tahoe!

Brian and I have beenin the direct sales industry for over 8 years now and we’ve been traveling around the world because our business have all been very mobile.  Recently opportunities and doors have been opening up for us like CRAZY!  A couple of things happened prior to this; our personal development company closed down that we had been working with for years, and left all of us hanging.  Most people would freak out which we initially did, but we thought “Let’s just do something on our own, and start creating something!” So we grabbed a couple of partners who we thought would be great to work with, and it didn’t go so well and what do you know SHIFT happened AGAIN!

After this shift happened and the whole idea that we were building was no longer part of our mission, we had to start shifting gears once again and focus on who we truly were and how we could impact the world and the people around us with our gifts.

So my message is this: When shift happens in your life and you close yourself off or you freak out, or you just dwell on the problems that have been created, you really stop the flow in your life. You stop the flow for opportunities and for doors to keep on opening!

After going through the last “Shift” Brian decided to reach out to someone we met at the No Excuses Summit 3- Mark Hoverson- who is an icon in the direct sales industry, and also in travel because he is the owner of the Global Resorts Network.  Brian remembered hearing Mark talk about some bad business deals he went through in the past and his advice was to reach out to someone that has either experienced what you are now, and who has bounced back from it.  So naturally Mark was the right guy to call.   He gave us some really incredible advice and gave us some opportunities to share some of his programs with our people. Doors and more doors started to open…

If something’s going on in your life or your business, shut the door and keep looking for more.

 There are so many things coming from the Unstoppable Family. We are still traveling, we’re not going anywhere! We’re leaving Tahoe in July or August, and we’re probably going to go to Spain. You’re going to see some amazing things coming from the Unstoppable Family and they’re coming from us because of the SHIFT!  I recently partnered with some amazing women to create an online company for empowering women to think differently and realize that they can be sexy, beautiful and alive at any age by using personal development, fitness, health to take their body to the next level by starting from the inside.  Look forward to seeing some wonderful things Xcium Global! It will be launching very soon!

Of course the branding workshop still continues and we have been building some great brands for people. GREAT things are coming out to help other people transform their lives, to make additional income or to create a new lifestyle like we did.

So let the doors close! But open new ones and reach out to other people- don’t get stuck in one area. Connect with people who are doing things YOU want to do! Be Unstoppable!

The Next Unstoppable Branding Experience Workshop is on April 4th.  Register at www.UnstoppableBranding.com  or send an email to [email protected]  if you would like to join us.

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2 Responses

  1. Pingback: The Unstoppable Family and Global Resorts Network! – This Is Why We Joined GRN Without Flinching! | GRNDiscovery.com Demo
  2. Pingback: The Unstoppable Family: Why We Choose Global Resorts Network - Unstoppable Family

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