We are prepping for our launch of a new Giving Back Project called “Traveling with a Purpose” to not only inspire families to be UNSTOPPABLE but to also be part of something bigger.

As you know we have been traveling around the world because we started to rebuild our lives after some of the things we went through several years ago. While it’s been an incredible journey, we have always wanted to enjoy the feeling of being able to give back.

The first part of our project is called ‘Shirt for a Shirt’ and the other is called ‘Educate Yourself, Educate a Child.’

Shirt for a Shirt

If you purchase an Unstoppable Family shirt, we will personally deliver another shirt to a child in need. We have women’s tanks and Men’s tees, Women’s Gem Shirts, Kids Tees and Kids Gem Shirts, so head over to Shirt for a Shirt to purchase yours!

Educate Yourself, Educate a Child

If you purchase any of our personal development programs or educational programs, 50% of the proceeds will go to a child’s education. We have partnered with the Unstoppable Foundation for this project.

Visit our Educate Yourself Educate a Child page to learn more about our Educational Programs.

If you put your mind to something, a miracle will happen! We want to give miracles to other kids and other families around the world so that they can live UNSTOPPABLE!

Our progress

In the first week we have had a flow of people connecting with us and asking how they can be a part of this awesome new project.

In fact, Cynthia Kersey, the author of the book “UNSTOPPABLE”, has reached out to us and will be partnering with us on this project to help more children around the world in need.

I am currently reaching out to those that have blogs, radio shows, TV networks and Facebook lists to help us launch this project and start making a HUGE difference in this world!

If you would like to be part of our UNSTOPPABLE mission, please pass on our site GIVE UNSTOPPABLE to your lists and friends.

Official launch is 8/08 (Our favorite number) that is why our shirts are $28.08!!

Together we can inspire others the live UNSTOPPABLE and to give UNSTOPPABLE!!

One Response

  1. You guys are so inspiring I love it. What an amazing idea a shirt for a shirt and who better to receive a shirt then a child in need. You guys are so awesome.
    Thank you for all you do.

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