I was the biggest skeptic when I heard about this concept 8.5 years ago. Little did I know…just a few years later that I would be living my perfect day…everyday.
I was the biggest skeptic when I heard about this concept 8.5 years ago. Little did I know…just a few years later that I would be living my perfect day…everyday.
Let me share with you my average day really quick that I wrote down almost 8 years ago, and I am living it today.
I never thought life could be this way…never.
So, I wake up just as the sun is coming up and then paddle out into the gorgeous ocean to get a good surf in for a couple of hours…
typically its in a laid-back, surfer beach location. (my personal choice)
Once I have gotten my fill…
I paddle back in from a great surf and enjoy a tasty cup of coffee and a healthy breakfast with my wife, Rhonda Swan, and my little girl, Hanalei (6 years old).
We sit together on the patio watching the sunrise & listening to the ocean waves crash in the background.
We take Hanalei to school, then come back to the house to get some work done online for a few hours. For lunch, we take a bike ride or walk into town and grab some lunch together or with friends.
Then we go back to the house for some reading, yoga & meditation. Then in the afternoon either Rhonda or I, sometimes both of us, will pick up our daughter from school to see her smiling face.
In the evening, we do a bit more work for a few hours then have dinner as a family at home ….or go out.
We play with Hanalei, then read her a book for bed.
Rhonda & I will share a few glasses of wine and just enjoy the evening together.
Sounds Amazing Doesn’t it?
Back to the Past
Let me rewind real quick, so that you can find out how we arrived at this destination and living this Perfect Day. It was not long ago that my wife & I were dreaming about where we were going to go for our 2 week vacation / year. That’s all we had was 2 weeks.
After University, we both worked corporate jobs for close to 10 years each. We had good corporate jobs with good pay, what people would call the “American Dream”. But we were hollow…
We were searching for freedom in our lives but had too many things holding us down. We didn’t have kids yet, but my wife knew she didn’t want to put them in daycare.
She wanted to raise our children, but couldn’t do that with the amount of hours she worked everyday.
So in our 30’s, we knew if we didn’t make a change now….. it would only get harder the older we got.
We didn’t want those lives where we 2nd guessed ourselves & said, ‘what if we would have taken a chance back then”.
This quote always rang in my ear:
“Only thing worse than death is a regret filled coffin”
~J Cole
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due
Now, I have to give the credit to my wife Rhonda.
She is the one that actively searched out a new way for us. We needed something simple and systematic since we didn’t have specialized skills to start a business.
We just wanted to follow a system and a game plan that was already laid out for us.
We had no idea where to start, so Rhonda went searching online. The first thing she bought was a $1500 course to get your mindset right and to get clear on what you really want in life.
The first exercise was called…“Creating your Perfect Day”.
It really made us think of how we wanted our days to look like. Most people just settle for the life they are handed and never go after what they want.
“It’s only the lucky people who get to live how they want.” I used to think,
and the sad thing is…I believed it.
I remember when Rhonda shared this concept with me. Being the skeptical husband, I remember saying something to the extent of…”Honey, I don’t need this crap, I’m fine the way I am”.
Little did I know this exact information would totally transform my whole family’s life to the life it is today
People ask us EVERYDAY how we do it.
So we decided to put together an amazing course for sharing how we did it from the very beginning. Many successful people are so removed from reality that they forget how hard it can be for people just starting out.
This is my step by step guide how on how to “Create your Perfect Day”.
This took us almost a year of planning and video editing…but it was totally worth it! So many people’s lives have been changed, because of this information.
We paid $1500 for similar information, so we originally were going to charge people for access to it, but we felt that it would be selfish to keep this information to ourselves and to charge for it. So, we decided for a certain amount of time that we are going to let people get access for Free….no strings attached. We’re not sure how long we will leave it up for free…but at least for today it’s yours.
A Gift from Us.
View this amazing video and the information that changed our lives.
If you want to connect with me or my wife personally on facebook you can add me. I do take the time to respond to people.
Both of us are currently maxed out on friends but you can shoot us a msg. We do delete inactive people every few days, so we can add new requests.
Cheers from Lake Tahoe…
Once you do the exercise please let us know what you thought.
Brian & Rhonda Swan BE UNSTOPPABLE!
If you would like to be Mentored Personally by
Brian & Rhonda Swan (traveling the World for the past 4.5 Years while operating a mobile business)
Cheers from the Unstoppable Family….
Brian & Rhonda Swan
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