Where are you sitting as you read this? Are you sat at a desk in an office somewhere thinking about how many hours you have until you can clock off and go home? Are you sitting somewhere wishing you could be out travelling the world? Here is a short video of our office, in a prime beach location at Casa Porfin, Dogman’s, Puerto Rico. Sitting around the swimming pool, my office overlooks some of the best surf in the world!

Casa Porfin, Puerto Rico

So many people say “Your’re so lucky…” or “I wish I could have that..”. The thing is, it’s not luck, and you can. You can have it too. The fact that my office overlooks amazing surf in Puerto Rico is no accident, it’s the product of a decision to go for it, take a risk, change my lifestyle and also a product of hard work and determination. If you want this for yourself, it’s possible.

Brian Swan

One Response

  1. Hello Swans,

    I’m glad to have found you guys lovely and inspirational corner of the internet. It’s folks like you that inspire me to live my life on my own terms and do the things that passionately fuel my inner spirit. Thanks for everything you’re doing and keep ROCKING!

    Discover You Discover Life and Enjoy the Journey

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