How did a Flight attendant of the 9/11 attacks move to Thailand just 5 months ago?

She called in Sick that day on Sept 11, 2001 and is here to tell her story on Freedom-PreneurFriday


Meet Kimberley & Scott Vento from S. California who did the unthinkable…

They quit their jobs, sold everything and moved to Thailand to pursue their passions.  Find out their detailed steps they took to make this Dream of theirs….a reality.

“We went from being “empty nesters,” who were barely spending 2 hours a day together, or doing anything we loved…to living the life of our dreams in Amazing Thailand, meeting people from all over the world, and inspiring and teaching others how this lifestyle is truly possible” Kim Says.

But life wasn’t always like this for us…

Join us on Freedom-Preneur Friday to hear their story.

They will be giving away their newly released E-Book: “How We Changed Our Lives in 120 Days.”

vento book image

Take A Glimpse Inside

  1. The 5 Steps We Took
  2. Having a Dream
  3. Changing the Mindset
  4. Facing Fears
  5. Finding a Business to Support Lifestyle & Freedom to Live Anywhere
  6. Finding a Mentor & Taking Action

Here’s the link to join us Live this Friday at 12pm EST (New York)…

Watch the last episode with Rhonda Swan.“Dealing with Haters”


The Vento’s are part of our Unstoppable Tribe!  We are grateful to have them in our life.  If you would like to work with our

tribe and meet the Vento’s click here to join.  

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