Rhonda public speakingI have been asked time and time again:

” How Do I Start Living My Dream Life,  If I Am Not Good At Selling or Communicating or Marketing”? 

And my response is not always what they want to hear, but its the flat out truth.

“Find out what you’re good at and become a MASTER at it,  then start getting good  at the rest, and all other areas…Outsource.”


After this, I tell ‘em to get their butts in gear with whatever it is their goals are, put their unique skill set to use, and “turn what you know into action”

But a lot of times, the response I receive (in an unconfident tone) is, “But Rhonda…I just can’t sell myself like you can. I’m not a salesperson. can’t do it.”


FIRST OF ALL, take can’t out of your vocabulary.

i can do itThe person who thinks they can and the person who thinks they can’t are both usually right.

If I ever hear someone say “I can’t” around me…they get no sympathy from me, and possibly a swift

kick in the butt!


SECOND OF ALL, selling yourself  and learning new skills is a key to life.

Whether it’s to a guy/girl at a bar, at business meetings, on social media, or to potential buyers, you’re always selling yourself and learning  in some capacity or your are DEAD!

You figure this would make it easier for people…but it doesn’t.

Often, the biggest hurdle is the language. and the time.

People don’t want to come off sales-y and they don’t want to take the time to learn.


They struggle with being a salesperson and they struggle with learning.

Well, I got news for you: If you’re afraid of coming off sales-y, then don’t.

Stick to what you’re doing now and lead the life you’re currently living.


Stay right where you are — in your comfort zone.

Comfort Zone

If you can’t sell or you can’t learn a new skill then…..

You Won’t Succeed!  



BUT, if you’re itching to sell, learn a new skill & wanting to leave your comfort zone,  I’ve found the best method to getting over an obstacle is practice.

Practice, practice, practice.

In selling situations, you should have already envisioned the naysayers, doubters, or on-the-fencers you’re going to encounter —When you are appoached by someone that asked what  you are doing these days, you should have the confidence to shout it at the moon with no fear…


Because, people like wild dogs love to feel fear in their prey….and then they go after it!

To not be attacked by the wild dogs, practice what you elevator speech is, and share with confidence with no attachment to the outcome.


8 Action Steps To Get You Unstuck

  • Actions You Can Take Today
  •  Shoot A Video A Day
  •  Blog Daily
  • Develop a DMO (daily Method of Operation)
  • Find A Mentor
  • Take Responsibility For Your Results
  • If You Cannot FInd The Answer …GOOGLE IT
  • Read Daily
  • FollowWhat Others Are Doing


You start taking action and self responsibility…

and you  CAN create the life of your dreams!~

Unstoppable Branding Secrets

Rhonda Swan

Unstoppable “Banding” Expert

Online Marketer and Travel Aficionado

2 Responses

  1. “Find out what you’re good at and become…”

    This is the most valuable, and scary, advice I ever heard. Now, to follow it. thaks

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