Hanging out with Rockstars!
Last night I was invited as a guest to hang out with rockstars! Other 6, 7 & 8 Figure Earners in the Direct Sales industry, including Mark Hoverson the owner of GRN. We were sharing a program for people that LOVE to travel like we do, and that want to live a FREE LIFE by earning an income working for themselves, over staying in one place and working a JOB.
With all the years we have been traveling I actually cannot believe we haven’t joined a travel club or membership program like Global Resorts Network!
In fact I was talking with a friend the other night that sells timeshares and she was really impressed with the program, since it is a one time purchase to the program that you can use each year at thousands of locations around the world without having the expensive maintenance fee’s that you get from buying a Timeshare.
The video above is a full outline of what the company is all about for those that want to become involved as an affiliate to the program so they can not only use it, but also share with others as a business model.
If you have any questions about this program or how to use it to save while you travel be sure to watch the video and send me an email if you have any questions. [email protected]
*** Live Replay Is Up! *** Hangout With 6, 7 & 8 Figure Earners.
Mark Hoverson, Vincent Ortega Jr. , Michelle Pescosolido,
Brenda Gagne, RHonda Swan …
You can watch the
live replay here =>http://www.UnstoppableTravel.com
Check out the online vehicle in their business that helped
their income soar to new heights! They reveal it all on this
webinar replay!
The power in just this conversation will shift the way you
think about business and life I promise you that!
If you want the info that started this entire conversation,
and why they all came together, go ahead and read below!
1. It was hosted by Industry Icon Mark Hoverson.
He has managed going from living in a trailer to millions
in only 5 years! He has probably raised up 6 and 7 figure
earners faster than any leader in this industry.
2. It was also co-hosted by Vincent Ortega Jr…
He has managed to go from 2k/month just a few
months ago to earning upwards of 50k/month now
in his business!
3. Special guest Michelle Pescosolido and top earner
of the Vehicle we talked about… has managed
to retire her husband from his 6-figure corporate job,
start her own successful business… and make upwards
of $40,000 in one single month! She is what the industry
has dubbed as the “facebook queen.”
4. Special guest Brenda Gagne and another top earner
of the Vehicle we talked about… has managed to
go full time online, support her family, and focus on her
dreams instead of a bosses in the last couple of years…
Making upwards of $19,000 in one single month!
5. Special guest and up and coming rising (Branding Queen)
She is already an industry icon as well… speaking on stages of
the biggest events around the world. She has made upwards
of $56,000 in one single month… and just joined this
new vehicle we will be discussing a couple weeks ago
and has made a few thousand in sales already! Oh did I
mention she’s also made over 7 figures in her business!
This was really setup as a laid back environment where you
get to learn whether or not GRN (the vehicle) is what you
want to use in your business and life to capture all the dreams
you have in your heart.
Sound fluffy?
Well how about making thousands of dollars on one single
transaction? Does that sound good to you? – With the many
other companies you have available, to make thousands of
dollars on one customer, it would probably take you years!
Does making $1000, $3250, or $7700
on one single sale sound good to you?
If that does…
You can watch the
live replay here => http://www.UnstoppableTravel.com
If you have any questions at all…
Please don’t hesitate to respond to this email or
update, depending on where you see it, and I will
be sure to answer any questions you have!