We have been traveling the world as a family for 6 years. 6 year anniversary of traveling the World as a Family….is it Possible? It started off as a way to re-group from the chaos we had just gone through in real estate investing.

“Let’s sell everything we have, put all our valuable’s in storage for 2 years and go traveling the world”, Brian Swan said after reading the book The 4-Hour Workweek.

“Are you nuts?, we have a new baby! How can we start traveling the world?

This is my home, we may have lost all our savings and assets but at least I have a home”, I replied scornfully and walked off with Hanalei in my arms and a tear in my eye.

Every step, I looked around our house at the beautiful artwork, the pictures of our first 9 years together and the gorgeous home we lived in…more tears would fall down my face.

I knew we had to let this house go, but my ego was making me hold on. “What would everyone say”? I thought. “How can I face my friends, family and even more importantly my baby, Hanalei that was 1 year old”?

I made a vow to her that I would never put her in day care, and planned her birth out with a perfect plan.

* Leave my corporate Job
* Start my own business
* Start investing in real estate
* Have a baby
* Retire our parents and live happily ever after.

How did it all go so wrong?

Then I realized something….

Is it all going so wrong or is this how it should be? Was the Universe giving us a sign and a way to live out the dreams we have always talked about, just in a whole different way than we could ever imagine?

We took that as a sign, and on November 25th, 2008 we shipped off to start what we called “The Swan’s Endless Summer Journey”, with no real end in sight or a vision of what we were really doing…

..but we were doing it.

With new baby in tow, 8 huge pieces of luggage, 2 surf boards and our computers we were ready to turn lemons into lemonade and become The UNSTOPPABLE FAMILY.

The 2 years came and left so quick we couldn’t even believe the time had passed, so we dropped the idea of ever moving back to the States, and started to form the Unstoppable Family values and mission statement.

This is the Unstoppable Family Mission Statement:

“The Unstoppable Family will take a stand for FREEDOM. Freedom to live free, be free and earn free. Other people’s opinions will not bear any weight on our decisions on how to raise our child, where to live and how to make a living.

We will live each day as a blessing and add to the world more than we take. We will take our experiences to help inspire other people and to change the way the world looks at the “American Dream” by creating the “New Age American Dream” and teach people how to become FREEDOM-Preneurs. We will be UNSTOPPABLE”

It’s been 6 years today that we began this journey with a small vision.. .(just enough to get us up in the morning) Today, I have a vision that is so vivid I cannot sleep at night, A vision that brings tears to my eye’s.

Feeling Unstoppable Today!

Below are the countries we have lived in as a family for the last 6 years.

Took a year to travel the USA, Germany, Mainland Spain, Canary Islands, Morrocco, and back to Panama where we are calling home today.

Thank you for your support in pushing us to be UNSTOPPABLE!

We love you and believe in you,


Cheers from our Unstoppable Family to yours….

Brian, Rhonda & Hanalei Swan

FacebooK:  https://www.facebook.com/unstoppablefamily

P.S.  Enjoy our Freedom-preneur Training Series:   http://unstoppable-formula.com

And lastly….a 6 Year Anniversary message from Swano while riding his bike
after a surf this morning to celebrate….on why we do….what we do 🙂

4 Responses

  1. 6 years? WOW!!! The past year I believe has been your greatest year yet. I should know because it has been the most transformational of my 42 years and that is thanks to you. BE UNSTOPPABLE has transformed my life. Mucho Gracias 🙂

    1. @stephen_moody:disqus, yeah it has been a wild 6 years of non-stop I’m glad our paths have crossed and we’re on this transformation journey together. Do you remember how you found us online….was it a YouTube video, Blog post or story on Facebook?

      1. FaceBook was how I found you or let’s say you found me 🙂 It was a pic that simply had Rhonda and the term “Got Freedom” that attracted myself to dig deeper. Boy oh boy am I glad I did, my life has never been the same.

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