1. Mentorship
2. Time Management
3. Invest More In Yourself Than You Do On YOur Business
I shot this video while staring out at South Lake Tahoe on my 40th Birthday. I was doing some reflection on my last 40 years and more importantly
on my last 8.5 years as an entrepreneur and the 3 principles that I have stuck with that has gotten me to where I am today. Someone shared these 3 tips with me so I would like to give them to you! Enjoy.
A Gift from Us
View this amazing video and the information that changed our lives.
If you want to connect with me or my wife personally on facebook you can add me. I do take the time to respond to people.
Both of us are currently maxed out on friends but you can shoot us a msg. We do delete inactive people every few days, so we can add new requests.
Cheers from Lake Tahoe…
Once you do the exercise please let us know what you thought.
Cheers from the Unstoppable Family….
Brian & Rhonda Swan