Benefits Of Building a Personal Brand
If you have been a follower of the Unstoppable Family for any length of time, you probably have a good idea of what our personal brand is. We are Freedom-prenuers and are passionate about helping others become Freedom-prenuers also. Don’t misunderstand me here, I do not want you to brand yourself to look just like […]
I was here…
I will leave my mark. On Tuesday I flew back to San Diego ( my old stomping grounds) from our little island in the Carribbean for a mentorship event with Lisa Sasavich. Lisa is known as the “Queen of Sales Conversion’s” sell without being salesy. If you know me at all… that is my way to […]
Steps To Instilling Value’s In Your Child
One of the most important things your child can do is to internalize the values they will live by. ~ Unstoppable Momma For moms, dads, and other parenting adults, this process can be both rewarding and terrifying. On the one hand, we see children expressing their honesty, compassion, and other positive values that we would […]
How To Teach Children To Visualize Their Future
Everything we do produces a seed and leaves something for future generations. You may not feel as though you are making a difference, but as we all know everything we do, say and act on, we are having an influence on our children and those around us. “The most efficacious way of making a difference […]
The Meaning Of Number 8
It is true that the number 8, more than any other number, puts the emphasis in the areas of career, business, finances and authority. As with many other single-digit numbers, the shape of the number reflects its most important attribute. In the case of the number 8, that is, first and foremost, balance. What the […]
Freedom-Preneur: Religions From Around The World
We get to experience so many different cultures when we travel and different Religions of the World. One of the most amazing parts of a culture is the religion that inhabits the people. Understanding the way others believe brings new perspective to the scene. Here are some of the religions we have experienced in the […]
The Happy Bucket Challenge
I used to be a real ” B$TCH “ when I was younger, I had a huge chip on my shoulder. I would fight, blame, give people bad looks for glancing at me and always thought others were talking about me. Without knowing, I didn’t like who I was inside. Nor had I learned […]
Best Medical Insurance For Travelers
We have been traveling the world for years, which makes for a rockin’ life. Sometimes, though, we have to do the boring stuff that just has to get taken care of. I’m talking about medical insurance for world travelers. Yeah, I know…boring, but necessary. With Brian being a surfer, and surfing crazy waves like the […]