10 Tips for Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur
Want to be UNSTOPPABLE? Here are my top 10 tips to becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur: 1. Love what you do If you are going to run a business to live a sustainable traveling life like we do, then you have to be passionate about your products or service and love every part of what […]
Introducing Veve Swimwear
[box]Introducing my friend Vanessa’s bathing suit company, Veve, where I ordered my swimwear from![/box] [quote]The moment you slip into a Veve Swimsuit you become the centre of attention, glamorous, sexy and stylish.[/quote] Made from the finest quality fabrics, using crystals, diamantes, jewels, braids and metallic fabrics make Veve Swimwear distinctly unique and glamorous. Whether it […]
Tales From the Boardroom Episode 1
The 1st edition of Tales from the (surf) Boardroom. Not the kind of boardroom you’re probably thinking of! Today’s message, live life to the fullest, since you never know if it may be your last. Don’t work your life away thinking there will be a prize at the end of the rainbow, because it may […]
Get your No Excuses Tickets Before Midnight!
Tonight at midnight the prices go up for the No Excuses Summit! If you missed the No Excuses Summit conference call on March 15, 2012 you still can listen and take advantage of the “Exclusive Offer”. NOW is your last chance to get $200 off the ticket price + $800 in bonuses, and you will be […]
Hump Day Commute to the Office
Buenos Dias from Bocas Del Toro, Panama! What a rough Hump Day commute to the ‘Office’. Riding in the rain on a bicycle because I was grounded from the motorbike after I lost my keys, and no-one to surf with except two perros (dogs). It was so rough this morning that I forgot that it […]
What Happened After My First Industry Event
7 and a half years ago I decided to attend my very first event within 1 week of starting my business. I had NO IDEA what I was in for, but after attending my first event I realised the possibilities that were open to me and I started to see RESULTS within 3 MONTHS! Thanks […]