Surfing Panama- Morro Negrito Surf Camp
Salud from Panama! I spent a beautiful Easter morning at Morro Negrito Surf Camp on the Pacific side of Panama. I headed out on a boat to surf P-Land on the island of Silva where the Easter Bunny treated me to overhead, glassy waves. Thank you, Easter Bunny! Brian Swan
Hanalei’s 4th Birthday in Panama: Pin the Tail on the Unicorn
httpv:// Instead of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Hanalei came up with a game of Pin the Tail on the Unicorn for her 4th birthday at the Cosmic Crab Cafe in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. What a way to celebrate her birthday!
Hanalei Celebrates Her 4th Birthday in Panama
Wu7cxKsxM6c If you don’t like the sound of party horns, you might not want to click play on this video! Our daughter Hanalei Swan celebrated her 4th birthday on April 17th in Bocas del Toro, Panama with a Magical Unicorn birthday party! She was born at 11:34am on April 17th four years ago and we […]
Tiny Dancer at the Bastimentos Boat Races
This video was taken on the first day of the Bastimentos Boat Races in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. Tiny Dancer by Elton John is a favourite of ours and we play it every morning. What song do you play to put you in a good mood?