This Week’s Stop Sign

This week’s Stop Sign was taken in Mexico. My two favourite things, surfing and ‘bonitas’, my two girls Rhonda and Hanalei. Brian Swan

A visit to the Dentist in Mexico

Even when we’re traveling around the world we still need to go to the dentist! If you’ve ever wondered what a dentist’s surgery looks like in Mexico, here are some photos we took from our latest visit when Brian had to have a cavity filling…

Unstoppable Family Celebrate Halloween in Mexico

As a family we love getting dressed up and celebrating Halloween, so even though we were in Puerto Escondido for the occasion we still celebrated in Unstoppable Family style! Hanalei had been counting down the days until she could put her cinderella costume on and even though Trick or Treating is not a big thing […]

Surfer girl Hanalei Has Her First Surf Lesson!

httpv:// The beauty of having a portable business is that we can spend as much time as we want with our daughter. We’ve spent the past month or so in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, enjoying a much more simple life with sun, sea and sand. We filmed Hanalei’s reaction after we took her for her first […]

Farewell to Surfing Legend Andy Irons

Surfing Legend Andy Irons passed away on November 2nd, 2010 last week leaving the surfing world shocked and saddened. Andy was found dead in his hotel room in Dallas, en route home from Puerto Rico. The three times world champion was just 32 years old and was set to become a father. As passionate surfers, […]