We have found our perfect paradise at the Hideaway Resort, Fiji
We have truly found a perfect paradise at the Hideaway Resort on the Coral Coast in Fiji There is not only one of the best waves directly out front ( Hideaways) but the best accommodations, views, pool and of course a fabulous SPA. We wake up every morning to a breakfast buffet that is out […]
Our Romantic Date night in Fiji….RUGBY Match!!!!
What do you do for a romantic Saturday Night in Fiji with your wife…take her to a Rugby match!!!! That is right gentlemen…take your wife to a Rugby match! She will love it and you will Thank me. Here is a little clip from our romantic night out in Sigatoka…a little village on the Coral […]
Business Beachside in Fiji
Oh yea, it is great to be back in a 3rd world country doing business…Back in my business suit and a sarong, no cooking , cleaning or washing clothes…. Here is a sneak peak of how business is done FIJI STYLE!!
Fiji is on my top 5 list to visit & the 1st place I have hitchiked
Fiji has definitely hit my top 5 list of country’s to visit. The weather, the beautiful happy people, the tropical coastlines, and HITCHIKING! In all my 36 1/2 years I have only hitchhiked a few times, and all were under 10 years old when I was visiting my Father for the weekend. (that’s a whole […]
Happy 3rd Birthday Hanalei
Hanalei celebrated her 3 year birthday Fiji style. In fact she had 4 celebrations for this big day. [Does that mean we will have to have 5 for her 4th?] 1st . She had a “Rainbow Birthday” [she had been asking for a rainbow birthday for the last few months, so it was vital we […]
1 week at the Sofitel Resort…and now celebrating Hanalei’s 3rd Birthday on the Coral Coast
After 6 days at the Sofitel Resort in Fiji…we make our way down to the Coral Coast! If you did not view the video from our previous post, make sure you watch it. Things come in full circle…we just wrapped up a business event at the same hotel we came to 5+ years ago when […]
We are in Fiji….Bula!
We just arrived in Fiji on Saturday evening….Bula! After 2.5 months in Hawaii, we had to get back to reality…onward to Fiji! To all the great people we have known over the years in Hawaii & all the new faces we have met….a big Aloha to all of you! What can we say….but what a […]
Easter Weekend in Hawaii…Bunnies & Ponies
What’s Easter Like In Hawaii? What a great Easter weekend we enjoyed on the beautiful Island of Oahu, Hawaii. After a great Friday dinner at Roy’s in Ko Olina, we enjoyed a Saturday morning Easter Egg hunt in our community. Until the Easter Egg hunt, we had no idea of how many kids really […]
Olympus Stylus Tough 8010 Review
Being that are Family is in the middle of 3 Year Trip around the World with our daughter who turns 3 this month, we require a camera that is waterproof and durable. This is is our 4th model of the Olympus Stylus so we are not newbies to this Series, though we are on the […]